
Материалы 21 февраля 2017 г.

Великомученик Феодор Стратилат
Седмица cырная (масленица) - сплошная.

Совершается служба со славословиемОтдание праздника Сретения Господня. Совершается служба на шестьВмч. Феодора Стратилата (319). Совершается служба на шестьПрор. Захарии Серповидца из 12-ти (ок. 520 до Р.Х.).

Свт. Саввы II, архиеп. Сербского (1269).

Сщмчч. Симеона, Андрея, Сергия и Петра пресвитеров (1938). Сщмч. Александра пресвитера (1942).

Иуд., 77 зач., I, 1-10. Лк., 109 зач., XXII, 39-42, 45 - XXIII, 1.
[Сретенский монастырь / Сретенская духовная семинария]
Хор Сретенского монастыря. Юбилейный концерт 19 апреля
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Пастырь – лицо особое, он берет на себя очень тяжелый труд перед Богом и народом. Крест, который дают священнику во время хиротонии, – это вполне определенный крест Христов.
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Игорь Иванов
Интервью с клириком храма Архистратига Божия Михаила города Воркута отцом Вадимом Мариничем, капитаном СОБРа в отставке, ветераном двух Чеченских войн.
[Встреча с Православием / Подвижники благочестия]
Олеся Николаева
Выпадали трудные и искусительные времена, сгущались на духовном горизонте тучи – и отец Кирилл помогал их разогнать. Он молился, и все рассеивалось.
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Протоиерей Андрей Ткачев
Борьба заповедана нам. Борьба с поражениями, но без уныния и без желания сдаться от усталости. И нужно признать, что падения происходят через зрение главным образом.

Мониторинг СМИ

Архимандрит Георгий (Шестун)
Глобализму, который всегда есть общество потребления, должно быть противопоставлено мировоззрение бессмертного человека. Россию нельзя победить, потому что в ней соединено настоящее, прошлое и будущее, потому что есть Россия земная, а есть небесная.
19 февраля 2017 года ректор Санкт-Петербургской духовной академии архиепископ Петергофский Амвросий совершил Божественную литургию в Исаакиевском соборе северной столицы. Торжественное богослужение с последовавшим затем крестным ходом стали центральными событиями Всемирного дня православной молодежи в Санкт-Петербурге.

English Edition

When a team of investigators came to the forest looking for monks living there illegally, John was caught. Since he had no documents and admitted to being a sergeant in the Guard, he was brought to Saint Petersburg and taken to the empress Elizabeth. When he was taken to the empress, she asked, “Why did you desert my regiment?”
Saints Archippus, Philemon and Apphia, Apostles of the Seventy were students and companions of the holy Apostle Paul.
The Holy Confessors Eugene and Macarius were presbyters of the Antiochian Church. During the reign of Julian the Apostate (361-363) they were brought to the emperor for trial for their refusal to participate in pagan orgies.
The French National Assembly voted on Thursday to target websites “spreading misleading information” on abortion, punishing those operating them by up to two years in jail and a $30,000 fine.
At first he was a presbyter and caretaker of church-vessels in the cathedral. He became Patriarch after the death of holy Patriarch Proclus (November 20). During this time, various disturbances and heresies threatened church unity.
The Lord granted Saint Agapitus the gift of wonderworking. The emperor, Licinius (311-324), learned that Saint Agapitus was endowed with great physical strength, and he commanded the saint to be conscripted into military service against his wishes.
Here in the woods an icon of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to Cosmas, and he heard a voice commanding him to become a monk and to build a monastery. His sick master then received healing from the icon, and Cosmas went to Kiev, where he was tonsured in the Monastery of the Caves.
It is now known that Archpriest George Mamaladze, who was detained at Tbilisi airport on February 10 with a bottle of cyanide in his baggage, previously thought to be intended for His Holiness Patriarch-Catholics Ilia II of Tbilisi and All Georgia who was undergoing gallbladder surgery in Germany, has been accused of plotting the murder of Shorena Tetruashvili, the patriarch’s administrative assistant.
Saint Leo I the Great, Pope of Rome (440-461), received a fine and diverse education, which opened for him the possibility of an excellent worldly career.
Saint Theodore the Silent of the Caves chose the exploit of silence, in order to dwell constantly in remembrance of God, and to safeguard himself from temptation even by a word.
Saint Maruthas was Bishop of Tagrith (Martyropolis), a city which he founded between the Byzantine Empire and Persia. He was famed for his knowledge and his piety, he wrote about the martyrs, and he suffered for his faith in Christ under the Persian emperor Sapor.
According to Metropolitan Nicholas of Plovdiv, the entirety of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church values His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev as a wise pastor, ably leading his flock on the path of salvation in such difficult times.
Saint Onesimus, Apostle of the Seventy in his youth was a servant of Philemon, a Christian of distinguished lineage, living in the city of Colossae, Phrygia.
Saint Maron was born in the fourth century near the city of Cyrrhus in Syria. He spent almost all his time beneath the open sky in prayer, vigil, ascetical works and strict fasting.
On February 20, Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and Litoral gave a donation to the Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Lavra in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, which has been serving as a haven for refugees from the military violence in Ukraine. He also sent a letter to His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine.
Saint Isaac was the first person in northern lands to live as a fool for Christ.
Saint Cyril received the finest of educations, and from the age of fourteen he was raised with the son of the emperor. Later, he was ordained as a priest.
Saint Auxentius, by origin a Syrian, served at the court of the emperor Theodosius the Younger (418-450). He was known as a virtuous, learned and wise man, and he was, moreover, a friend of many of the pious men of his era.
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia will serve the funeral of one of the most famous and beloved elders of the Russian Orthodox Church, Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov), on Thursday, February 23.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
Deacon Pavel Serzhantov
As long as there are repenting sinners on the earth, as long as there is a remnant of the people of God, the history of salvation is not finished. The Lord is continuing to save people. Do we not read about the apple of the eye of the Most High in the New Testament? The Savior says in a parable of the Heavenly Kingdom, For many are called, but few are chosen (Mt. 22:14). The Lord highly values every one of us; the hairs are numbered on the heads of the elect.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
The Prophet Zachariah the Sickle-Seer the eleventh of the twelve Minor Prophets. He was called to prophetic service at a young age and became, in the wondrous expression of church hymnology, “a spectator of supra-worldly visions.”
Today Russia’s beloved elder Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) reposed in the Lord. Fr. Kirill was 97 years old.

Српска верзиjа

Његова Светост Патријарх московски и све Русије г. Кирил планира да одслужи заупокојена богослужења идуће године у области Свердловска поводом 100-годишњице погубљења царских мученика, цара Николаја II и његовe породицe, преноси Интерфак-религија.
Увече 20. фебруара 2017. године у Переделкину се у 98. години живота, после дуге болести преставио у Господу дугогодишњи духовник Свето-Тројицке Сергијеве лавре, духовник Његове Светости патријарха Московског и целе Русије Алексија II, архимандрит Кирил (Павлов).
Предсједник Народне скупштине Републике Српске Недељко Чубриловић изразио је наду да ће у што скорије вријеме у Бањалуци бити постављен камен темељац за изградњу руско-српског храма.