
Материалы 28 февраля 2017 г.

Виленская икона Божией Матери
Седмица 1-я Великого поста.
Великий пост.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомАп. от 70-ти Онисима (ок. 109).

Прп. Пафнутия и дщери его Евфросинии (V). Прп. Евсевия, пустынника Сирийского (V). Прп. Пафнутия, затворника Печерского (XIII).

Сщмчч. Михаила и Иоанна пресвитеров (1930). Сщмч. Николая, Алексия, Алексия пресвитеров, Симеона диакона, прмч. Павла и прмц. Софии (1938).

Виленской (перенесение в Вильно в 1495 г.) и Далматской икон Божией Матери (1646).

На 6-м часе: Ис. I, 19 - II, 3. На веч.: Быт. I, 14-23. Притч. I, 20-33.
[Встреча с Православием / Богослужение]
15 / 28 февраля 2017 г. Вторник Первой седмицы Великого Поста. Сретенский монастырь. Великое повечерие с чтением великого покаянного канона прп. Андрея Критского. Хор Сретенского монастыря. (MP3 файл. Продолжительность 1:38:41 мин. Размер 71.1 Mb)
[Встреча с Православием / Православная библиотека]
Митрополит Волоколамский Иларион (Алфеев)
Моисей восходит на гору для встречи с Богом; Иисус Сам является Богом, Который приглашает людей на гору для встречи с Собой.
[Вопросы священнику / Общество]
Протоиерей Андрей Ткачев
Так мы и живем. Устаем без меры, но объем полезных работ ничтожен. Суета сжирает, как раковые клетки, все живое и творческое. И сколько ее, усталости! Но сколько и помпы от даром затраченных усилий!
[Встреча с Православием / Богослужение]
15 / 28 февраля 2017 г. Вторник Первой седмицы Великого Поста. Сретенский монастырь. Полунощница, утреня, 1-й, 3-й, 6-й, 9-й часы, изобразительны, вечерня, лития. Хор Сретенской духовной семинарии. (MP3 файл. Продолжительность 5:22:47 мин. Размер 232.5 Mb)
[Интернет-журнал / Общество]
Архимандрит Мелхиседек (Артюхин)
Сегодня многие из нас оказались за бортом жизни. Кто-то вынужден заниматься не своим делом, кто-то и вовсе остался без работы, не сумел реализовать свои таланты.

Мониторинг СМИ

Митрополит Горловский и Славянский Митрофан (Никитин)
Во вторник первой седмицы Великого поста митрополит Горловский и Славянский Митрофан совершилвеликое повечерие с чтением покаянного канона преподобного Андрея Критского в Николаевском архиерейском соборе Горловки. По окончании чтения канона владыка обратился к прихожанам с архипастырским словом.
Архимандрит Александр (Елисов)
Русская духовная миссия в Иерусалиме отмечает в феврале свое 170-летие. Ее начальник архимандрит Александр (Елисов) рассказал РИА Новости о преемственности и новшествах в работе официального представительства Русской Православной Церкви на Святой земле: о паломниках, которые едут к колыбели христианства, о новых русскоязычных прихожанах ближневосточных храмов, об опасностях, с которыми сопряжено служение в горячих точках региона.
Елена Шабалина
Любая причина, по которой женщина решается на аборт, для меня очень страшная. Но пожалуй, самыми шокирующими стали истории, когда аборт решали сделать по причине… отпуска. А в моей практике было несколько подобных случаев.
Аркадий Малер
19 февраля, в неделю о Страшном Суде, в Петербурге состоялся большой крестный ход вокруг Исаакиевского собора, собравший по разным подсчетам от 8 до 12 тысяч участников, среди которых были не только петербуржцы, но и православные паломники из двадцати стран мира.
Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл
27 февраля 2017 года, в понедельник первой седмицы Великого поста, Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл молился за уставным богослужением в Зачатьевском ставропигиальном монастыре. По окончании богослужения Предстоятель Русской Православной Церкви обратился к верующим со словом проповеди.

English Edition

On the eve of Lent, when faithful Orthodox Christians were preparing to embark upon their journey of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving by beseeching and offering one another forgiveness, Ukrainian schismatics and their supporting right-wing radicals were busy trying to seize yet another parish of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.
He was taken into captivity by Turks who had landed on the shore of Athos. They took him to Magnesia and there he worked in chains for twelve years. But he did not lose hope for freedom and fervently he prayed to the Mother of God to free him from this bitter captivity.
The Virgin Domnina of Syria was a disciple of Saint Maron (February 14). The nun built a straw-covered hut in her mother’s garden and lived there as an ascetic, eating only lentils soaked in water.
After fierce tortures, Saint Antonina was thrown into prison, but Maximian could not force the saint to renounce Christ and offer sacrifice to idols.
Harsh and painful was the life of the monk in the wilderness, but neither cold, nor deprivation, nor wild beasts, nor the wiles of the Enemy were able to shake his resolve. He built a small chapel for the glorification of, and in gratitude to, the Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos.
Eudokia awoke one night at midnight and heard singing from the house of a Christian woman next to hers. A monk was reading from a book which described the Last Judgment, the punishment of sinners, and the reward of the righteous. The grace of God touched Eudokia’s heart, and she grieved because of her great wealth and for her sinful life.
With a fatherly love the saint looked after young foster-children, raising them in a spirit of devotion to the Church of Christ. The saint particularly cared for the needy, widows and orphans.
Saint John, called Barsanuphius, was a native of Palestine. He was baptized when he was eighteen years old, and later became a monk.
Saint John Cassian the Roman was born around 360, probably in Lesser Scythia (in Dacia Pontica). His pious Christian parents gave him an excellent classical education, and also instructed him in the Holy Scriptures and in the spiritual life.
Having cleared off a small plot of land, the holy virgins sealed up the entrance to their refuge with rocks and clay, leaving only a narrow opening through which food was passed to them. Their little hut had no roof, and so they were exposed to the elements.
During a persecution against Christians under the emperor Decius (249-251), he was arrested while praying in his home.
The insolent heretics broke into this refuge and killed the Patriarch and six men who were with him. The fact that it was Holy Saturday and the Canon of Pascha was being sung did not stop them. In their insane hatred they tied a rope to the body of the murdered Patriarch, and dragged it through the streets.
Saint Basil the Confessor was a monk and suffered during the reign of the iconoclast emperor Leo the Isaurian (717-741).
Blessed Nicholas of Pskov lived the life of a holy fool for more than three decades. Long before his death he acquired the grace of the Holy Spirit and was granted the gifts of wonderworking and of prophecy.
Saints Asclepius and James were Syrian ascetics, and lived during the fifth century.
The Lord granted to the ascetic the gift of wonderworking, and his miracles helped him to enlighten the pagan inhabitants. With the help of the inhabitants he converted to Christianity, he demolished the pagan temple, building a church where there were daily services.
Saint Titus was a soldier who was known for his bravery. One day, he was seriously wounded in battle.
Saint Titus, Presbyter of the Near Caves, lived in great friendship with the deacon Evagrius, which later turned into a strong dislike and hostility.
By order of the emperor Leo the Isaurian (716-741), Saint Procopius was arrested, subjected to a fierce scourging and thrown into prison. Here he languished together with Saint Basil until the very death of the oppressive emperor, after which the holy confessors were set free.
Saint Sebastian of Sokhota, Poshekhonye, founded a monastery in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord, located at the River Sokhota, 90 versts from the city of Romanov (now Tutaev) in the Yaroslav district.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
St. Augustine
Let not your fasting be of the kind condemned by the Prophet when he said: Not this fast have I chosen, saith the Lord. For He denounces the fasts of quarrellers; He seeks those of the devout. He denounces those who oppress and seeks those who release. He denounces those who stir up hostilities and seeks those who set free. For, during these days, you restrain your desires from lawful pursuits that you may not do what is unlawful.
Having the inclination for monastic life, he left his native region at twenty-five years of age and set off for Egypt, where he lived in the Nitrian desert under the guidance of Saint Macarius the Great (January 19).
Saint Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople was of illustrious lineage. He was born and raised in Constantinople, where he received a fine education.
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill
This is why repentance is at the center of our Great Lenten endeavors. To help man repent before God, the Church introduces him to the special, grace-filled power of the Lenten services and prayers, and of the frequent communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. The time of Lent is the time of purifying the soul; it is the time when we prepare ourselves for receiving the Kingdom of God.
The saint experienced great temptations after he had given away his wealth. The Evil One began to suggest to him that he should have given the money to the poor, rather than spend it on the beautification of the church.
In 1591 he was named voevod at Tiumen, but after several years he left the world, settled at Briansk and received monastic tonsure with the name Polycarp.
Saint Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, who was “fruitful in every good work” (Col. 1:10), was born in the first century, and lived in Smyrna in Asia Minor.
From his childhood he dreamed of devoting himself entirely to God, and having reached maturity, he settled in one of the Nicomedia monasteries, called the Pavlopetrios (i.e., in the names of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul), and became a monk there.
Saint Baradates the Syrian began to live as a desert-dweller in a hut near Antioch. He then built a stone cell upon a hill, so cramped and low that the ascetic could stand in it only in a stooped position.
When miracles of healing began to occur at this spot, the relics of the saints were discovered and transferred to a church with great honor.
The Kozelshchansk Icon of the Mother of God was glorified in the late nineteenth century, though it is older than that.
Saint Eustathius was a learned theologian, and was also distinguished by his broad knowledge in secular sciences.
Saint Timothy of Symbola was of Italian descent. He became a monk at a young age and pursued asceticism at a monastery called “Symbola”, in Asia Minor near Mount Olympus.
Saint Agathon, Pope of Rome, was the son of pious Christian parents, who provided him an excellent education.
Saint Agathon of the Kiev Caves was a great ascetic, and he healed the sick by a laying his hands upon them.
The Hieromartyr Sadoc, Bishop of Persia, and 128 Martyrs with him suffered in Persia under Sapor II.
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
Fr. Stephen Freeman
The teaching of the Orthodox spiritual fathers is that we should forgive everyone for everything. Only in this can we be “like our Father in heaven.” But make no mistake: it is scary, hard, and without promise of safety or reward.

Српска верзиjа

У недељу, 19.02.2017. године, у сали месне заједнице Миријево је отворена изложба посвећена последњој руској владајућој династији Романов.
Протојереј Андреј Ткачов
Шерлок Холмс је многе ствари о човеку могао да погоди на основу опушка остављеног у пепељари, по томе како му је излизан ђон и на основу још стотину ствари које ништа не говоре непосвећеном човеку.
У Великом посту потреба за духовном литературом је већа, а великопосни, 261, број «Светигоре» – образника за вјеру, културу и васпитање Митрополије црногорско-приморске изашао je из штампе управо са доласком Часног поста и ту је да помогне да се донекле надокнади та духовна глад.
[Духовни источници]
Игор Иванов
Када смо слали студенте наше Сретењске духовне семинарије на летњи распуст, дали смо им послушање: да се сретну са хришћанима који су две, три генерације старији од савремене омладине и да се распитају код њих шта се догађало у животима тих људи, у држави која је устала против Бога, а потом се уморила од тог устанка и спознала сву његову трулост и пролазност.
„Велики пост је сасвим посебно време повратка у рај, повратка општењу с Богом,“ – истакао је Његова Светост патријарх Кирил у својој проповеди у Недељу праштања 26. фебруара 2017. године.
[Духовни источници]
Епископ будимљанско-никшићки Г. Јоаникије
Дошли смо свечано и празнично на Немањин град, на обалу ријеке Рибнице, на мјесто рођења Св. Стафана Немање. Кад прослављамо Светог Божјег угодника онда свечано славимо дан његовог спомена, клањамо се његовом облагодаћеном гробу, али истичемо и друге важне моменте из његовог земаљског живота. Мјесто његовог рођења знаменује се његовим именом као што је и ово историјско мјесто гдје се родио Св. Стефан Немања давно названо Немањин град, а десна обала Рибнице Немањина обала.