
Материалы 20 июня 2018 г.

Собор Ивановских святых.
Седмица 4-я по Пятидесятнице.
Петров пост.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомСщмч. Феодота Анкирского (303). Прав. Павла Таганрогского (прославление 1999).

Сщмч. Маркеллина, папы Римского, и мчч. Клавдия, Кирина и Антонина (304). Сщмч. Маркелла, папы Римского, мчч. Сисиния и Кириака диаконов, Смарагда, Ларгия, Апрониана, Сатурнина, Папия и Мавра воинов и Крискентиана, мцц. Прискиллы, Лукины и Артемии царевны (304-310). Мцц. Калерии (Валерии), Кириакии и Марии в Кесарии Палестинской (IV). Собор святых Ивановской митрополии.

Сщмч. Андроника, архиеп. Пермского (1918). Сщмч. Александра, Александра, Валентина, Вениамина, Виктора, Александра, Павла, Владимира, Игнатия, Михаила, Николая, Павла, Николая, Николая пресвитеров, Григория диакона и мчч. Афанасия и Александра (1918). Сщмч. Петра пресвитеров (1919).

Рим., 105 зач., XI, 2-12. Мф., 42 зач., XI, 20-26.
[Документы истории]
В нынешние, демократические времена Бога никто не запрещает, но те, кто продолжает искать абстрактных справедливости, добра, равенства, истины, свободы, их не обретают.
[Встреча с Православием / Святые и святыни]
Марина Чижова
«Всегда молиться Богу. Искать утешение и наслаждение в молитве», – так наставлял своих духовных чад блаженный старец Павел Таганрогский.
[Интернет-журнал / Общество]
«Я родился во Франции, рос в Аргентине, живу в США, а кровь русская и чувства – русские»: одиссея графа Георгия Шереметева.
[Встреча с Православием / Православная библиотека]
Анна Ткачева
«Нашла же, где сесть! – думала Ангелина о попутчице. – Куда бы глаза свои деть? Ах да, у меня же есть книга». И она раскрыла «Слова» старца Паисия...

Мониторинг СМИ

Доклад Русской экспертной школы, 2018. Редактор-составитель – Щипков Василий Александрович, кандидат философских наук, директор Русской экспертной школы, ст. преподаватель кафедры международной журналистики МГИМО МИД России.
Игумен Нектарий (Морозов)
Трудности в отношениях с ближними можно сравнить с подводным рифом, с которым сталкивается христианин в плавании по морю житейскому и вслед за тем, нередко всерьез и надолго, садится на мель. А для кого-то это, может быть, невысокий, но неудобный порог, о который спотыкаешься каждый раз, когда утрачиваешь внимание.

English Edition

The Holy Dormition-Pochaev Lavra has had to respond to recent media accusations that the brotherhood clergy refused to commune children who had read the Lord’s Prayer in the Ukrainian language.
[Orthodoxy Today]
The new project makes lectures of SVOTS professors and teachers such as Fr. Alexander Schmemann, Fr. John Meyendorff, and Fr. Thomas Hopko available in digital for the first time.
The Synod met in its second regular session of the year yesterday under the chairmanship of His Beatitude Archbishop Chrysostomos of Nova Justiniana and All Cyprus.
At the initiative of the Russian Orthodox Church, Russia will be accepting Syrian children to provide them with medical care and a time of rehabilitation.
Saint Apollonius, when he was a fifteen-year-old youth, withdrew into the inner Thebaid desert (Lower Egypt), where he spent forty years in monastic struggles.
Saint Epaphroditus was Bishop of Adrianium (Italy).
The Holy Apostles Sosthenes, Apollos, Cephas, Caesar and Epaphroditus of the Seventy:
According to Tradition, Saint Cephas was Bishop of Iconium.
Saint Apollos assisted the Apostle Paul.
Saint Sosthenes was head of the Corinthian synagogue before his conversion.
Saint Zosimus, Bishop of Syracuse, was born in answer to the fervent prayers of his parents, who were childless for a long time.
Saint John the Silent Bishop of the city of Colonia, was a model of a good Christian life for his flock.
The Hieromartyr Astius was bishop of the city of Dyrrachium (Macedonia) during the time of the emperor Trajan (98-117), a persecutor of Christians.
The Holy Martyr Concordius, son of the presbyter Gordian, was raised in piety and faith in Christ, and therefore Bishop Pius of Rome made him a subdeacon.
The Holy Martyrs Frontasius, Severinus, Severianus, and Silanus suffered for Christ under the emperor Claudius (41-54).
Saint Saturninus was one of the companions of Saint Lucian, and assisted him in proclaiming the Gospel in the West.
Saint Marcellinus was one of the companions of Saint Lucian, and assisted him in proclaiming the Gospel in the West.
Saint Julian the deacon was one of the companions of Saint Lucian, and assisted him in proclaiming the Gospel in the West.
Saint Maximian the priest was one of the companions of Saint Lucian, and assisted him in proclaiming the Gospel in the West.
The Chairman of the Tallinn City Council, Mikhail Kilvart will sign an agreement today on support for the restoration of the St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in the city’s Kopli subdistrict. According to the agreement, $104,000 (90,000 euros) will be allocated for the work.
Two thieves brutally beat the 66-year-old security guard of the St. Panteleimon Church in Melitopol, Ukraine during a robbery at about 1:00 AM yesterday morning, leaving him for dead.
Saint Anna and her son Saint John lived in the ninth century.
Saint Theophilus lived in Egypt in the fourth century, and is mentioned in the Life of Saint Onuphrius.
Saint Heraclemon lived in Egypt in the fourth century, and is mentioned in the Life of Saint Onuphrius.
Saint Andrew lived in Egypt in the fourth century, and is mentioned in the Life of Saint Onuphrius.
Saint John the Hermit lived in Egypt in the fourth century, and is mentioned in the Life of Saint Onuphrius.
Saint Onuphrius of Mala and Pskov [Izborsk] founded a monastery in honor of the Nativity of the Mother of God at Mala, four versts from Izborsk and 56 versts from Pskov.
Saint Barnabas of Vetluga was born in Great Ustiug.
Saint Bassian, Bishop of Lodi, was a friend of Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan (December 7). Saint Bassian’s father governed the Syracuse region (in Sicily) and he prepared his son to follow in his footsteps.
Saint Theophanes of Antioch was the son of pagans. At a youthful age he entered into marriage, but after three years his wife died.
[Church History]
Pavel Kuzenkov, Yuri Pushchaev
Myths and misconceptions about the Byzantine Empire (of which Russia is believed by many to be the spiritual and political successor) abound.
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
Fr. Lawrence Farley
So the question for us as we begin to read a letter that was written from the slammer, as it were, is, “Are we prepared to forfeit our respectability for Jesus Christ?” That’s the challenge.

Српска верзиjа

[Духовни источници]
Олга Косик
Судбина светитеља Атанасија (Сахарова) је јединствена. Био је изабран за епископа 1921. године, у узрасту од 34 године, када су кренуле прве акције комунистичке партије и совјетских специјалних служби на Православну Цркву.
Нови чланци, актуелне вести из православног света, цитати Светих отаца Цркве, фотографије и видео снимци сада су доступни и на најпопуларнијој руској друштвеној мрежи ВКонтакте. Нађите нас под називом Православие.рс.
Митрополит Атанасије Лимасолски
Жена треба да стекне ту вештину – да буде дружељубива према свом мужу, тако да се он порадује кад је угледа. Има још нешто. Девојке и жене треба да воде рачуна о свом понашању, јер у браку један супружник осећа шта је другоме на души, а женама је то понајвише написано на лицу.