The Narrow Blindness of False Unity: An Appeal to Orthodox Greeks

Source: The Inkless Pen

March 23, 2020

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem …” or we may now lament, “O Constantinople, Constantinople!” *

Once you were a defender of true Orthodoxy, and now you have begun to promote worldly political agendas. Once you preached the heavenly homeland, and now you are grasping at earthly power!

Rise up! Not in defense of your own rights and powers but rather in the humble defense of Truth and Orthodoxy, then we will gladly follow you!

My Grandmother is a full-blooded Greek, my lineage on that side goes back to Cappadocia where my ancestors lived for ages (they left during the exchange of populace). It is a great encouragement to know that many Greeks (including my ancestors) stood like an anvil in Holy Orthodoxy under the relentless hammer of Turkish Muslim rule.

Did they endure persecution, the seizure of property, and even death for the Ecumenical Throne of Constantinople? Or was it rather for the Truth of Holy Orthodoxy? Yes, ultimately, it was for love of Christ Jesus and His Church, Orthodoxy, that they endured.

Orthodox Greeks, do you not see your fellow Orthodox brothers and sisters in Ukraine suffering valiantly, as once your ancestors did? They have been persecuted by the Government forces, heretics, and radical nationalists. They have lost church buildings, they have been forced out of homes, they have been beaten – all for the same Holy Truth for which your ancestors stood. Now, will you not stand with your Orthodox brethren? Or will your own ancestors condemn you, your silence, and for some, your active support of falsehood? Rise up! Stand in your laudable heritage as defenders of Orthodoxy!

...Read the rest at The Inkless Pen.


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