News from Herzegovina

Herzegovina, March 29, 2012

Gornje Hrasno – According to the tradition, people who originate from Gornje Hrasno, assemble on Mid-Lenten Sunday at the Divine Liturgy, in their village of the destroyed church of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. It was the same also on this Mid-Lenten Sunday, on March 25, 2012. The Divine Liturgy was served by parish priest of Capljina presbyter Danilo Boro. After the Liturgy they served the commemoration for the dead in the Second World War.

Mostar – The representatives of the Diocese of Zahumlje-Herzegovina and the Littoral: Bishop Grigorije, deacon Marko Gojacic and Zdravko Mrkonja, participated at the Third table tennis tournir organized by Mejlis Info-Service for the young, held at the Islamic cultural service. Zdravko Mrkonja won the tournir.

Bileca – On Thursday, 22.03. 2012., heugomen Danilo served at the Bileca barracks, held a lecture on the theme “Christian Lent”. A great number of the faithful who work at the armz during the Easter Lent attend services.

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