Statement by Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, Administrator of the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand, on the Disaster Befalling Our Brother-Nation Serbia

To: The Father Rectors of Churches of the Australian & New Zealand Diocese

As you all are aware, our brother Orthodox people of Serbia have suffered a natural calamity of great magnitude. Disastrous floods have claimed the lives of many victims and the great loss of homes.

The Serbian and Russian people have long been united by bonds of faith and mutual assistance. A hundred years ago Russia entered the First World War to defend Serbia. Following the Civil War in Russia, Serbia provided refuge for hundreds of thousands of our refugees who were fleeing Bolshevik atrocities.

Our Christian conscience summons us to help the flood victims as much as we are able, channeling donations through the safe agency of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

In the coming Sunday the Rectors of all our churches are to arrange for a plate collection for the benefit of the victims of flooding in Serbia. The collected donations are to be sent promptly to our Diocesan Office for transfer to the proper agency.

Metropolitan Hilarion,
Archbyshop of Sydney, Australia & New Zealand.

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