Archbishop of Crete doing well after hospitalization

Moscow, February 8, 2017

Photo: Photo:

Archbishop Irineos of Crete was transferred to the hospital yesterday after a fainting spell. Thankfully, as Romfea reports, the archbishop is feeling well and in good health.

His Eminence felt unwell during a funeral and was taken to the hospital. This is the second such incident recently, as he was also rushed to the hospital after experiencing a feeling of malaise during Vespers for the feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple in November.

Yesterday’s incident was brought on by a respiratory infection which he had been struggling with for two days.

The Archdiocese of Create has announced that he archbishop is feeling well and that tests have shown good results. Doctors have recommended him to rest for a few days.

His Eminence and the archdiocese are grateful to all who have shown their support and love.

8 февраля 2017 г.

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