Metropolitan Philotheos of Meloa Falls Asleep in the Lord

Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

New York, May 10, 2017

Photo: Photo:

The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America mourns the passing of Metropolitan Philotheos of Meloa who fell asleep in the Lord early this morning following a short illness.

Upon hearing of his passing, His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America stated:

“His Eminence Metropolitan of Meloa Philotheos, of blessed memory, was an outstanding clergyman of our Holy Archdiocese. He served for many years as a deacon, presbyter and bishop offering liturgically model services, pastorally amazing sensitivity, and canon law knowledge of unusual quality. He established a bright example of total dedication to God, firm faithfulness to the people he worked with, remarkable ecclesiastical ethos and passionate patriotism. Even during a time of medically strong treatments he did not stop from officiating in liturgies, vespers and other occasions. He served and moved with dignity and grace. His departure leaves a vacuum difficult to fill. He left us, but now he is a permanent ambassador for our Archdiocese in the company of the saints and the righteous. May his memory be eternal.”

This morning, Archbishop Demetrios led a Trisagion Service for the departed hierarch at the Archdiocesan Chapel of Saint Paul, with staff and a visiting clergy and faithful in attendance.

Metropolitan Philotheos of Meloa and Exarch of Isavria, served the Church for 67 years, 57 of which he served in the United States at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese.

...Read the rest at the site of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

11 мая 2017 г.

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