Lukashenko calls for greater Church involvement in society

September 23, 2016


At a meeting with the Holy Synod of the Belarusian Orthodox Church, President Alexander Lukashenko called upon the Church to be more actively involved in the nation’s social processes, reported BelTA on Thursday.

Noting the major role of the Orthodox Church in Belarusian life and its peaceful co-existence with other religious denominations, which he attributed to a balanced state and Church policy, President Lukashenko expressed the desire that the Church “be more actively involved in social processes. It is very important for the Orthodox Church to continue promoting religious accord in Belarus, demonstrating an example of civilized relations.”

Noting the nation’s improving education and work conditions, the president asked that the Church begin to take a more active role in solving the new issues that arise in the improvement process, to better engage the nation’s youth in various social projects and to support the nation’s talented youth.

“It is essential for the Church to find a delicate approach in this process. The Church needs proactive, well-educated, and honest personnel. Therefore, the state is providing and will provide every assistance to the ecclesiastical schools of the Belarusian Orthodox Church, in the education of priests. The state will do the same for other religious denominations,” the statesman underlined.

Lukashenko also applauded the Church’s example of training and ordaining native Belarusians for service in the Church, adding that the Church also helps people develop a healthy attitude towards life: “For people who cannot cope with weaknesses or addiction on their own, priest's advice is even more important than talks with relatives and doctor's orders."

23 сентября 2016 г.

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