Dallas-Ft. Worth site of Orthodox Christian Conference on evangelism January 20-21

Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX, January 9, 2012

A regional conference on Orthodox Christian missions and evangelism will be held in the Dallas Metroplex Friday and Saturday, January 20-21, 2012.

Organized in memory of His Eminence, the late Archbishop Dmitri, the conference will have as its theme “Communicating the Good News of Jesus Christ.” Conference speakers will examine how the Church evangelized the world in the past and how ancient models of evangelism are employed in the 21st century.

Friday’s session will be held at Saint Barbara Church, Ft. Worth, on Friday evening, January 20, from 6:30 until 9:30 p.m. Saturday’s events will be held at Dallas’ Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church from 8:30 a.m. until 8:30 p.m.

Jointly sponsored by the Department of Missions and Evangelism of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America and the North Texas Orthodox Missions, the conference will feature noted authors, pastors and evangelists Fathers Peter Gillquist, Joseph Huneycutt, and Evan Armatas.

Admission is free, but seating is limited, so early registration the deadline is Wednesday, January 18 is encouraged. Participants may take part in all, or part, of the weekends activities.

For additional information, visit saintbarbarafw.org or holytrinity.info, or call 817-294-0325 or 972-991-1166. Register on-line at ntom.org.

Official website of the Orthodox Church in America

16 января 2012 г.

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