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Iconography of Passion Week

During Holy Week the Church remembers the final days of the Savior’s earthly life—His deeds and talks with His disciples, the institution of the Mystery of the Eucharist, Judas’s betrayal, the Lord’s captivity, His sufferings and humiliation, crucifixion, death, and burial.
Комментарии читателей
Rdr Andreas Moran:
The inclusion of Duccio, a Roman Catholic of the late 13th and early 14th centuries, is odd.
valerij Renner:
Spasi gospodi.
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Holy and Great Saturday Saturday. The back of a double-sided Hodigitria Icon with the image of the Mother of God. The Museum of Archaeology in Kastoria, Greece.
Holy and Great Saturday Saturday. The back of a double-sided Hodigitria Icon with the image of the Mother of God. The Museum of Archaeology in Kastoria, Greece.
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