
Материалы 12 апреля 2015 г.

[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Священник Леонид Кудрячов
Пасха красива в сопоставлении с уродством смерти. Красив и пасхальный символ. Прекрасно пасхальное убранство храма. Красиво предстояние на Празднике праздников всех тех, кто пришёл на службу.
[Встреча с Православием / Богослужение]
30 марта / 12 апреля 2015 г. Светлое Христово Воскресение. Пасха. Сретенский монастырь. Пасхальная заутреня, Литургия. Хор Сретенского монастыря. (MP3 файл. Продолжительность 2:22:58 мин. Размер 103 Mb)
[Встреча с Православием / Православная библиотека]
О Празднике Пасхи — Святые Отцы о Воскресении Христовом — Иконография Воскресения Христова — Вычисление пасхалии — Вопросы священнику — Пасха в разных частях света — Храмы Воскресения Христова — Пасха в жизни обычных и известных людей — Пасхальная кухня — Фотогалереи — Аудиозаписи пасхальных служб.

English Edition

[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
It is the day of Resurrection! Let us be illumined, O ye people! Pascha! The Pascha of the Lord from death to life and from earth to heaven has Christ our God led us, as we sing a song of victory. (Paschal Canon, Ode I)
A coalition of churches and organizations in Jerusalem and Bethlehem have announced that the Holy Saturday festivities in Jerusalem will be televised to worshipers inside the West Bank, allowing those prevented from attending by Israeli restrictions to take part as well.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
Robert Arakaki
Today Hades cried out groaning: “Would that I had not received the One born of Mary; for He came upon me and loosed my power. He shattered the gates of brass; the souls, which I held captive of old, as God He raised up.” Glory O Lord to Your Cross and Your Resurrection.
The Russian people and its Church feel compassion for their spiritual brothers the Greeks and wish their government success in its mission for a socially-directed economy and society,Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia said on Thursday, welcoming Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
CHRIST IS RISEN! This wondrous resonance of truly life-creating words contains the foundation of our faith, the gift of hope and the fount of love.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
I give voice to my own heartfelt desire that the Risen Lord, Who loves mankind, will in the midst of our sorrows and temptations, renew us all with the joy of His Life-bearing Resurrection, support faith and piety within us, and illumine us with trust in the coming, eternal celebration “on the never-waning day of His kingdom.”

Српска верзиjа

У Грделичкој клисури, поред Железничког моста преко Јужне Мораве, комеморативним скупом и полагањем венаца данас је обележено 16 година од НАТО ракетирања путничког воза.
Владимир Путин је упутио честитке православним хришћанима и свим грађанима Русије, који славе Христово Васкрсење