
Материалы 1 мая 2015 г.

[Интернет-журнал / Общество]
Священник Олег Булычев
Пренебрегая церковной Россией, враждуя против нее, россияне рубят сук, на котором сидят: ведь это церковный народ вымаливает у Господа Его благоволение к нашему Отечеству.
[Встреча с Православием / Апологетика]
Протоиерей Вадим Леонов
Создание Церкви: причина и предназначение, свойства Церкви, принадлежность к Церкви и спасение, отпадении от Церкви. Лекция и ответы на вопросы.
[Документы истории]
Диакон Владимир Василик
Есть миф о Гитлере как о христианине, который-де и с атеизмом и большевизмом боролся, и церкви в России открывал. А как было на самом деле?

English Edition

By rejecting the crucifixion and denying the resurrection of Christ (who is not the ‘Chosen One’), Islam espouses ‘another Jesus’, ‘another spirit’ and ‘another gospel’.
On April 30, 2015, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia participated in the ceremony of the reburial of Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich the younger, and his wife, Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna. Having died in exile and first buried at Archangel Michael Church in Cannes, France, they are now being reinterred in Moscow at the Bratsky Military Cemetery in Sokoly.
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
Fr. John Whiteford
The Church has always considered the soul as the part of the human being that needs healing because She has seen from Hebrew tradition, from Christ Himself, and from the Apostles that in the region of the physical heart there functions something that the Fathers called the nous.
According to the Archdiocese of Turin, majority of the faithful are arriving from Poland, the USA, Southeast Asia, and the Latin America.
This year May 2 falls on Saturday – and on this day the Church particularly prays for the dead. With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Izmail in all the churches, monasteries and convents of the city of Odessa and the Odessa region on that day memorial Divine Liturgies will be celebrated followed by memorial services for the repose of all the victims of the bloody confrontation in Odessa and the Southeast Ukraine.
Some 150 Bosnians are believed to have joined jihadists groups in Iraq and Syria, while some 50 others have already been and returned from the battlefield, according to the intelligence services.
Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has said that the All-Orthodox Council will be held in Istanbul in 2016 but preparations for it have not been simple.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
Matrona acquired spiritual discernment, vision, wonderworking and healing at an early age. Her family and neighbours noticed that she knew not only about people’s sins and crimes but their thoughts as well. She saw the coming of dangers and social catastrophes. Her prayer healed the sick and comforted the suffering.

Српска верзиjа

Поред мушког манастира такозваног «кијевског патријархата» и министарства иностраних послова две хиљаде магова и биоенергетичара ће стати у круг и обавиће обред «енергетског пуњења» амајлија које ће после тога носити «браниоци домовине» у зони «антитерористичке операције»