
Материалы 15 июля 2015 г.

[Встреча с Православием / Святоотеческое наследие]
Эта проповедь — замечательный образец проповеднического искусства и богословия V века. Надеемся, она будет полезна читателям.
[Документы истории]
Протоиерей Владислав Цыпин
Утверждал ли ересь последний указ императора? Стоило ли восстанавливать империю в ее прежних границах? Что оставил Юстиниан своим наследникам?
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Священник Димитрий Шишкин
«А чего каяться – каются и опять грешат, каются и грешат… и так без конца. Смысл-то какой?» – думал рассерженно Степан.
[Интернет-журнал / Общество]
Протоиерей Андрей Ткачев
Они мечтают вернуться. Они говорят по-русски, верят по-русски, думают по-русски, плачут по-русски. Разве они здесь не нужны? Ведь нас, русских, не так уж и много. Для нами занимаемых огромных просторов.

Мониторинг СМИ

15 июля Церковь празднует день Положения честной ризы Пресвятой Богородицы во Влахернской церкви Царьграда. Этой истории, ставшей одним из великих православных праздников, посвящен сюжет Царьграда.
12 июля православные в России, Болгарии, Сербии и Греции встретили день памяти святых апостолов Петра и Павла. Завершился и Петров пост, который в 2015 году длился целый месяц. О великом празднике, объединяющем братские народы России и Сербии, – сюжет Царьграда.
Митрополит Нижегородский и Арзамасский Георгий
«Где нет епископа, там нет Церкви» — эти слова священномученика Игнатия Богоносца уже почти две тысячи лет определяют всю важность и значимость епископского призвания. Дело в том, что епископ – это не просто одно из церковных служений. Без него Церкви не может быть вообще.

English Edition

On the occasion of the 400th anniversary since the accession to the Russian throne of the dynasty of the Romanovs, on the very day of martyrdom of Saint Tsar Nicholas the Second Romanov and his family and fellow sufferers, the exhibition “Four Centuries of the Imperial House of the Romanovs – Awakening of Memories” will be opened in the crypt of the Memorial Cathedral of Saint Sava on 17 July 2015 at 12 a.m.
On the evening of Monday, July 13th, the brethren of the Hermitage of the Holy Cross celebrated the All-Night Vigil in honor of the newly-glorified St. Paisios the Athonite – perhaps the first time anywhere in the world that the service was sung in English. The next morning, on Tuesday the 14th, the Divine Liturgy was served in honor of this great saint of the latter times.
[Orthodoxy Around the World]
If a would-be buyer of the “Russian yard” house pays 8.1 million Swedish krona, he or she will obtain two apartments, a restaurant decorated with ancient frescoes as well as ruins (the foundation, nave and apse) of an Orthodox church on which the house is built. The remains of a Russian priest who lived 900 years ago can be found among the ruins.
The private youth organization has rules which bar atheists, agnostics, and, until January of 2014, banned all known homosexuals from membership. The prohibition on openly homosexual adults has remained in place, but BSA National President Robert Gates stated in May that he feared the pressures of modern society and its increasing legal challenges were making the ban untenable.
“For over 175 years, we have served the neediest in society with love and dignity,” added Sr. Maguire. “All we ask is to be able to continue our religious vocation free from government intrusion.”
Planned Parenthood makes two key admissions in their statement today: 1) aborted fetal parts are harvested at their clinics, and 2) money is exchanged in connection with this.
An undercover video released this morning shows a national leader of Planned Parenthood admitting that the abortion provider uses the illegal and highly controversial partial birth abortion procedure to sell intact fetal body parts.
"The General Convention of the Episcopal Church authorized provisional rites for the blessing of same sex relationships, which might be used for the blessing of these relationships in churches under the direction and with the permission of the local bishop," Rev. Bauerschmidt wrote. "I have not given direction or permission for the use of these rites. This policy remains unchanged."
[Orthodoxy Today]
Jesse Dominick, Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg)
While visiting Moscow during the month of June, Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg), rector of the Sts. Cyril & Athanasius Institute for Orthodox Studies in San Francisco and an Archimandrite of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, visited Sretensky Monastery for an interview with Pravoslavie.ru. This is the second part of our interview with Father Irenei, which focuses chiefly on the state of Orthodox scholarship and sanctity.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
The holy, glorious, right-victorious hieromartyr Juvenaly of Alaska, Protomartyr of America, was a member of the first group of Orthodox missionaries who came from the monastery of Valaam to preach the Word of God to the native inhabitants of Alaska. He was martyred while evangelizing among the Eskimos on the mainland of Alaska in 1796. His feast day is celebrated on July 2, and he is also commemorated with all the saints of Alaska (September 24), and with the first martyrs of the American land (December 12).

Српска верзиjа

Живот је највећи дар Божији, дар намењен човеку, а са њиме и преко њега, и целокупној творевини која заједно са човеком састрадава уздишући и трпећи у исчекивању избављења – свога логосног остварења (Рим. 8,20,22).