
Материалы 16 июля 2015 г.

[Интернет-журнал / Культура]
Анастасия Дуброва
Приемлемы ли детские игры в мертвецов и с мертвецами – куклами серии «Monsters High», которых многие родители считают вполне «безопасными» и даже «добрыми» и «симпатичными»?
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Ольга Рожнёва
Ричард приехал в Оптину из Южной Каролины. Его приезд сюда – из пересечения вневременного со временем. Потому что здесь он решил для себя главные вопросы в своей жизни.

English Edition

[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
Jesse Dominick
Tsar Nicholas and his beloved family— the Tsaritsa Alexandra, the Tsarevich Alexei, and the Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia—along with their faithful servants were eventually to go to their deaths in a dank basement in Ekaterinburg. In their lives they stood for family, humility, nobility, duty, the Russian people, and above all for the holy Orthodox faith. And in the end they gave their lives for their nation and for that holy Orthodox faith, prevailing as the early martyrs before the lions. Having given their lives for Christ, they now intercede for us before Christ.
[Orthodoxy Around the World]
Archpriest Andrew Phillips
For Communism was the very essence of Western materialism and its downfall was therefore the triumph of Christ and the Cross over the West. Therefore only the heroic effort of Orthodoxy that conquered the Soviet Empire can now save the West. Yes, Europe has the pieces to its puzzle, but it is unable to stick them together. For that it needs Orthodoxy. Only Christ and true Christianity, which is what Orthodoxy means, can help it.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
At the feast was present the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, along with many other bishops, clergy, monks and nuns, and thousands of the faithful. In the video one can see beautiful shots of the church, excellent chanting from the nuns at Souroti, and video of the long line of people waiting to venerate the tomb of St. Paisios.
Farshid Fathi, sentenced to 7 years in prison in 2010, received an official notice that he will released two years ahead of time, in December 2015.
The Russian Church Abroad is currently constructing the Church of the Holy Transfiguration in the Rio Negro ("Black River") near Santa Fé, 34km from Boaco, Nicaragua. Under the onsite supervision of Hieromonk Marcos (Calderón).
The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church at its meeting on July 13, 2015 in St. Petersburg established (Minutes no. 49) a joint feast day for the Holy Right-Believing Grand Prince Dmitry Donskoy (1350-1389) and his wife Holy Right-Believing Grand Duchess Eudoxia (in monasticism, Euphrosyne: c. 1353-1407) of Moscow on June 1 (May 19 according to the old calendar), reports Patriarchia.ru.
[Orthodoxy Today]
Deacon Andrei Psarev, Protopriest Paul Velikanov
"I was pleased that a certain crisis is apparent which is common to the Russian Church in the Diaspora and in the Moscow Patriarchate. This crisis consists in the fact that the division, which hadn’t happened in the Church before, the division which led to the schism, while today from the external, formal perspective it has been overcome."

Српска верзиjа

Тридесетшестогодишњи протестантски пастор Фаршид Фати ухапшен је у децембру 2010. године у Техерану. Касније је осуђен на 7 година затвора због оптужби да је починио радње које представљају опасност по националну безбедност Ирана.