
Материалы 22 июля 2015 г.

[Интернет-журнал / Общество]
Елена Фетисова
«Ну дети же просят…» – стандартное родительское оправдание. Почему родители так легко и бездумно подчиняются «детскому нажиму»? Откуда такое странное безволие?
[Интернет-журнал / Культура]
Лауреат Патриаршей премии по литературе о своих украинских и белорусских предках, метле Господа и корнях украинской смуты, значении русской литературы и красоте мовы.
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Иеромонах Филофей (Тифинюк)
Может ли ложка глины стать вечным источником радости? Почему старые люди светлы лицом, а молодые – хмуры? Где найти лекарство от тоски и печали?

Мониторинг СМИ

Ровно 97 лет назад, вслед за чудовищными убийствами Царской семьи и алапаевских мучеников, на Урале начались массовые расправы над православным духовенством.

English Edition

In another shocking video a top Planned Parenthood official haggles over the price of tissue specimens from aborted babies, admitting it's for her own profit.
Seven volunteers from the United States of America headed by Protopriest Martin Ritsi travelled to Sumatra and gave special presentations for the professors and students of the Saint Paul Orthodox Theological School in Medan, as well as for the students of the Computer Science and Business Administration Schools of the Polytechnic Academy.
A 16-year-old Coptic Christian was detained in Alexandria, Egypt, on July 13 after he distributed bags of dates to Muslims who were about to conclude their Ramadan fast, according to an Egyptian media report. The bags included a slip of paper with an evangelizing message and a link to a Christian website.
Italy stands as the lone major western European country to resist recognizing civil partnerships and gay marriage, but the nation is facing increasing pressure to abandon the traditional understanding of marriage.
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
How often we grow up yet carry with us the dreams of our youth! In many ways and for many years, I unconsciously approached prayer in the same way.
[Orthodoxy Today]
"Every one of us is a member of the Body of Christ. And this gives me hope—hope in the beauty, goodness and kindness of humanity; hope in the potential of our Church to be a true witness to the divine beauty, goodness and kindness that is offered to all of mankind; hope that, by God’s providence, I stand before you as the Primate of the Orthodox Church in America, and that I am able to hear your concerns and hopes, your complaints and praises, your frustration and your encouragement.”
Introduced in May by Republican State Senator Mary Lazich, SB 179 bars most abortions at 20 weeks or later in the pregnancy under the assumption that 20 weeks represents the earliest a fetus can feel pain. "No person shall perform or induce or attempt to perform or induce an abortion upon a woman when the unborn child is considered capable of experiencing pain unless the woman is undergoing a medical emergency," reads SB 179.

Српска верзиjа

Црква у свом двадесетвековном искуству кроз ове речи Светог апостола Павла проналази мотив за учешће у страдању ближњих, ублажавању патње и сведочењу љубави онима којима је то најпотребније.
«Развраћање живота има огромну силу интерције, оно се с родитеља преноси на децу. И препород вере у нашој земљи у извесном смислу представља чудо,» - истакао је Његова Светост патријарх Кирил после литургије на тргу Ипатијевског манастира у Костроми 19. јула.
Саша Младеновић
Црквена општина Зрењанин и град Зрењанин (Петровград) заједнички улажу у изградњу новог храма у насељу Зелено Поље.