
Материалы 22 августа 2015 г.

[Встреча с Православием / Богослужение]
9 / 22 августа 2015 г. Суббота 12-й седмицы по Пятидесятнице. Сретенский монастырь. Великая вечерня, утреня. Хор Сретенского монастыря. (MP3 файл. Продолжительность 2:15:13 мин. Размер 97.4 Mb)

Мониторинг СМИ

23 августа Церковь совершает память преподобного Саввы Сторожевского. В этот день Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл совершит Божественную литургию в звенигородском Саввино-Сторожевском монастыре. Подробнее об этой святой обители и ее основателе – в материале Царьграда.

English Edition

The new Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC, will display a collection of biblical artifacts discovered in Israel after reaching an agreement with the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA).
The statue was cast in 2013 by Tsereteli, the famous Georgian-Russian sculptor, known for his gigantic projects such as a statue of Peter the Great in Moscow and ‘The Tear of Grief’ in the United States, dedicated to the struggle against world terrorism.
According to the schismatics, the Sapozhnik family owes 60,000 hryvni to the parish of the “Kyiv Patriarchate” for a 10 months “lease”. In case of nonpayment, representatives of the “Kyiv Patriarchate” reserve the right to go to the law with the petition for a forced confiscation of rent and forced eviction of the family from the “rented” dwelling.
[Churches and Monasteries]
This church is very important for those who undergo treatment in the psychiatric clinic—as soon as it is opened, patients will have the opportunity to receive both spiritual and physical healing by participating in prayer, the Holy Mysteries and regular services.The church is named in honor of St. John because he dedicated his entire life to serving other people, including the sick, and he was known to often visit the sick in hospitals and has worked numerous miraculous healings.
The diocese’s representative blessed the apples. The event was followed by street festivities.
The painting over of the national emblem of the Ukraine was merely a scheduled repair of the fence round the church territory.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
Russia in the 15th century saw the flowering of a "Northern Thebaid." The vast forests of remote regions inimical to civilization provided a welcome refuge for those zealous to share with the angels a life of concentrated communion with God. It was for just this reason that an ascetic by the name of Herman had chosen to dwell in the sparsely populated area along the shore of the White Sea. Like other hermits, he had settled not far from a chapel to take advantage of occasions when clergy would come to offer the Holy Mysteries--Confession, Communion and Baptism--to the local inhabitants, among whom there were still a number of pagans.
Fr. Daniel Mackay
At a time when people turn to videos for information, the documentary What is Orthodox Christianity? An Answer in Three Parts aims to employ the aesthetics and resources of the Orthodox Church in order to reinforce the content of the message. Rather than conventional movie-making techniques like interviewed subjects, the use of actors, or narrator, this documentary uses still images, readable text, and other aesthetic elements to explain He Who came as both Word (Logos) and Image (Icon).

Српска верзиjа

Западноамеричка епархија Српске Православне Цркве с Преосвећеним Епископом др Максимом на челу најављује евхаристијска сабрања од 4. до 6. септембра 2015. године, када ће се обавити и званични чин причислења Сабору Светих Срба Епископа Мардарија (Ускоковића) и архимандрита Севастијана (Дабовића), новопросијавших апостола и просветитеља.
Тим поводом у Великој ратној сали старог Генералштаба данас су се окупили највиши представници Министарства одбране и Војске Србије и Српске православне цркве.
Епископ Рашко-призренски и косовско-метохијски Теодосије данас је посетио г. Оливера Ивановића у болници у Северној Митровици. Г. Ивановић већ 15 дана не узма храну у знак протеста због одбијања Суда да му се након вишемесечног притвора омогући одбрана са слободе.