
Материалы 3 февраля 2016 г.

[Встреча с Православием / Святые и святыни]
Житие – Чудеса – Богословие – Воспоминания о святителе – Книги.
[Документы истории]
Павел Кузенков
Древняя языческая мифология славян; крещение св. кн. Владимира и жителей Киева; распространение веры в XI-XII веках. Лекция и ответы на вопросы.
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Почему нам так хочется большой любви? Как найти ее? Почему любовь проходит? Как пережить муки неразделенной любви? И бывает ли вообще любовь неразделенная? Как, посвящая жизнь другому, не потерять себя?
[Интернет-журнал / Книжная закладка]
Ольга Рожнёва
О том, как быть, если сталкиваешься с несправедливостью, которую побороть сам не можешь, почему киллер промахнулся и как был посрамлен непутевый монах.
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Никита Филатов
О том, когда рак «приводит в рай», а когда – в иное место, что облегчает переход из жизни в смерть и почему спасительно служение в хосписе.
[Интернет-журнал / Книжная закладка]
Елена Александрова
Сестра разревелась: «Другая крестная моему сыну не нужна! На руках понесем тебя в церковь, но завтра ты будешь рядом!»

Мониторинг СМИ

3 февраля 2016 года в Патриарших покоях кафедрального соборного Храма Христа Спасителя в Москве под председательством Святейшего Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Кирилла состоялось заседание Священного Синода Русской Православной Церкви.
Михаил Глуховский
Перелистывая в очередной раз «Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка» Владимира Даля, невольно подумал вот о чём. Как много в языке наших пращуров было слов, обращённых к духовному началу в человеке!.. Добропамятность, добродетель, здравомыслие, сердоболие... Сегодня, похоже, испарились они под холодными ветрами перемен. А ведь народом недаром замечено: худо тому, кто добра не делает никому; в ком добра нет, в том и правды мало...
Светлана Попенко
Желание петь на клиросе испытывают многие. Стоит ли воспринимать тягу к церковному пению как призвание? Нужно ли реализовывать свое желание? Возможно ли это? Принесет ли это пользу Церкви? Об одном таком опыте — рассказ от первого лица в нашей сегодняшней рубрике.

English Edition

Ecumenical Councils and some other Councils of pan-Orthodox significance are a visible expression of the unity of the Church, her conciliar nature, a reflection of her self-awareness as one body in Christ (cf. Rom. 12:5).
The document affirms for the first time on the pan-Orthodox scale the obligatory character of the Nativity, the Apostles’ and the Dormition fasts which were not mentioned, unlike Lent, in ancient sacred canons.
Paul Gilbert
Botkin accompanied the emperor and his family into exile to Tobolsk and later Ekaterinburg. The faithful doctor, aged 53 years, was shot along with the Russian royal family and three other retainers in the early morning hours of July 17th, 1918 in Ekaterinburg.
"Our Church, among a number of other Local Churches, has repeatedly insisted that the elaboration of this topic should be completed and the draft document should be submitted to the Pan-Orthodox Council."
"Certainly, no union of the Orthodox Church with the non-Orthodox is even mentioned in the document," Patriarch Kirill stated.
His Holiness reminded the participants in the meeting that last year the hierarchs of the abovementioned entities, ignoring His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine, the canonical Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, visited Ukraine on repeated occasions and openly spoke in support of schismatics, promising them the recognition of their structure as an autocephalous Church and claiming that they act on behalf of His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople.
Vladyka John, who in addition to ruling the South American Diocese, also ministers to the Old Rite parishes of the Church Abroad, participated in the conference “The Old Rite in the Russian Orthodox Church” and a round table of representatives of Old-Rite churches, as part of the 24 th International Nativity Educational Readings on January 26-27.
Paul Gilbert
Valentin Serov (1865 –1911) is little known in the West, but he is one of Russia's most important and beloved painters of the latter half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. He is particularly noted for his portraits of the Emperors Alexander III and Nicholas II, among other members of Russia's Imperial and Noble families.
Metropolitan Ilarion then read the Act of the Holy Council of Bishops announcing the canonization of Archbishop Seraphim among the host of saints. The Council members then sang the exaltation to the newly-glorified saint.
The Russian Orthodox Church made a considerable contribution to drafting the document, as many of the social issues raised in it were already addressed in the “Basis of the Social Concept” and her other important documents.
After all the responses are received, the Synodal Biblical-Theological Commission will thoroughly analyse them, introduce the necessary amendments and submit the ready draft to the Holy Synod. The decision concerning the further fate of the Catechesis text will be made by the Synod.
According to the bill, which was proposed by ruling coalition lawmaker Soso Jachvliani, the offense should be made punishable with a fine of GEL 300 (about USD 120) and a repeated offense with a fine of GEL 600.
"We all should give all possible support to His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry, the episcopate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, its clergy and faithful in their efforts for peace. Your Beatitude, your efforts are an example of how Orthodox Christians seek unity there where division is propagated and sow love there where hatred is spread."
In the introductory part of his report to the Bishops’ Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia raised the problem of global terrorism.
Those who knew St. John attest to this day of his holy life and the help he offered through prayer and spiritual guidance. Others attest that after his dormition they were cured of their illnesses by his mediation.
Archimandrite Irenei (Steenberg)
This study considers the question of 'free will' in the Christology of St Maximus, and in particular the soteriological implications of his various discussions.
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
Fr. Ted Bobosh
The purpose of fasting is to help "stir the pot" which is our heart—to help bring to the surface what really is within each of us. We can then confront the passions and sins in us or bring out the holiness that God has endowed us with.