
Материалы 27 июня 2016 г.

[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Архимандрит Гедеон (Харон)
Явление Богородицы, невероятные исцеления, воскрешение фактически умершей женщины, иконы и мощи, не тронутые огнем во время пожара, ? малая толика чудес, которые по молитвам Матери Божией происходят в Ее любимом соборе.
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Архимандрит Андрей (Конанос)
Господь может посетить и мирянина, терпящего скорби и смиренно исполняющего свои повседневные обязанности.
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Татьяна Веселкина
Первая испаноязычная православная миссия в Майами – звучит фантастично, но таковая существует и приводит латиноамериканских католиков к Православию.
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Протоиерей Артемий Владимиров
О том, как нам соотнести апостольское служение со своей жизнью, апостольский дар слова – с нашими способностями, о необходимости смирять себя словесно и одухотворять все произнесенное нами.

Мониторинг СМИ

Лариса Туаева
В марте 2016 года в Горловке при поддержке Горловской епархии создан «Центр помощи беременным женщинам, оказавшимся в кризисной ситуации». Мы побеседовали с врачом-гинекологом Ларисой Таймуразовной Туаевой об основных направлениях работы центра, об абортах, их влиянии на жизнь и здоровье женщины и общества в целом.
Ольга Бессережнова
Перед «радонским воскресеньем», как называют его в наших краях, по традиции идем на маленькое деревенское кладбище с высокими березами прибирать могилки родных, ушедших в мир иной. Набирается около тринадцати. Выносим мусор. Моя заботливая тётя пробирается вглубь со словами: «Фененка еще осталась». Она не родственница нам. Я помню, в детстве старшие вспоминали, жила в деревне особенная одинокая старушка, всегда молилась, и весь ее дом в два окна на краю деревни был в иконах.
Протоиерей Андрей Ткачев
Если вы помните, святой Иоанн Златоуст успел насолить огромному количеству придворных, в том числе – епископам. Некоторые святые епископы говорили: если Иоанн Златоуст – святой, то тогда Иуда тоже апостол. В общем, так его ненавидели, что нам трудно представить.
Дина Карпицкая
Тяжело, когда болеют взрослые. Это страшно, грустно, печально. Про них говорят: «Мог бы еще пожить...» А когда от неизлечимых болезней страдают дети — это вообще с трудом укладывается в голове. В детях обычно столько жизни...
Николай Каклюгин
20 лет назад, в 1996 году при православном приходе храма Коневской иконы Божией Матери в пос. Сапёрное Ленобласти ими был создан первый в России Епархиальный реабилитационный центр для наркозависимых, в котором эффективность избавления от наркотической зависимости у лиц, прошедших полный курс программы реабилитации, на данный момент составляет более 60%.

English Edition

[Orthodoxy Today]
The Orthodox Church founds the unity of the Church on the fact of her establishment by our Lord Jesus Christ, and on the communion in the Holy Trinity and in the sacraments. This unity is expressed through the apostolic succession and the patristic tradition and is lived out in the Church up to the present day. The Orthodox Church has the mission and duty to transmit and preach all the truth contained in Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition, which also bestows upon the Church her catholic character.
[Orthodoxy Today]
This foretaste of the new creation—of a world transfigured—is also experienced by the Church in the countenance of her saints who, through their spiritual struggles and virtues, have already revealed the image of the Kingdom of God in this life, thereby proving and affirming that the expectation of a world of peace, justice, and love is not a utopia, but the substance of things hoped for (Heb 11:1) , attainable through the grace of God and man’s spiritual struggle.
[Orthodoxy Today]
The institution of the family is threatened today by such phenomena as secularization and moral relativism. The Orthodox Church maintains, as her fundamental and indisputable teaching, that marriage is sacred. The freely entered union of man and woman is an indispensable precondition for marriage.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
Fr. John Whiteford
Wasn’t Elisha being cruel when he sent those bears against those children who were teasing him about being bald in 2 Kings 2:23-25? And why was it precisely two she-bears? Fr. John Whiteford talks about the incident near Bethel, when St. Elisha cursed the gang of disrespectful young men.
[Orthodoxy Today]
The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church concerned itself with the matter of the canonical organization of the Orthodox Diaspora. Therefore, the respective documents were discussed concerning the Orthodox Diaspora and the Rules of Operation of Episcopal Assemblies in the Diaspora, which were submitted by the Fourth Pre-Conciliar Pan-Orthodox Conference (Chambésy, 2009), and by the Synaxis of Primates of the Autocephalous Orthodox Churches (January 21-28, 2016), approving them with some minor amendments.
[Orthodoxy Today]
The questions of the text examined by the Council addressed: a) the concept, nature, and various forms of the institution of autonomy; b) the prerequisites for a local Church to request autonomy from the autocephalous Church to which it belongs; c) the exclusive prerogative of an autocephalous Church to initiate and complete the process of granting autonomy to a certain segment of its canonical jurisdiction – autonomous Churches shall not be established in the geographical areas of the Orthodox Diaspora; d) the impact of this ecclesial act on the relations between the proclaimed autonomous Church and with the autocephalous Church to which it belongs as well as with the other autocephalous Orthodox Churches.
[Orthodoxy Today]
Fasting is a divine commandment (Gen 2:16-17). According to Basil the Great, fasting is as old as humanity itself; it was prescribed in paradise. It is a great spiritual endeavor and the foremost expression of the Orthodox ascetic ideal. The Orthodox Church, in strict conformity with the apostolic precepts, the synodal canons, and the patristic tradition as a whole, has always proclaimed the great significance of fasting for our spiritual life and salvation.
[Orthodoxy Today]
The one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church is a divine-human communion in the image of the Holy Trinity, a foretaste and experience of the eschaton in the holy Eucharist and a revelation of the glory of the things to come, and, as a continuing Pentecost, she is a prophetic voice in this world that cannot be silenced, the presence and witness of God’s Kingdom “that has come with power” (cf. Mark 9.1). The Church, as the body of Christ, “gathers” the world (Matt 23.37) to Him, transfigures it and irrigates it with “the water welling up to eternal life” (John 4.14).
[Orthodoxy Today]
To God, "the Father of mercies and all comfort," we address a hymn of thanksgiving and praise for having enabled us to gather during the week of Pentecost (18-26 June 2016) on Crete, where the Apostle Paul and his disciple Titus preached the Gospel in the early years of the life of the Church. We give thanks to the Triune God who was well pleased that in one accord we should bring to a conclusion the work of the Holy and Great Council that was convoked by His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch. Bartholomew by the common will of their Beatitudes the Primates of the local Orthodox Autocephalous Churches.
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
Fr. James Guirguis
Let’s be faithful to acknowledge Jesus Christ in word, in deed and in thought. Let us love nothing more than we love Christ. Let us each carry the cross with faith that God sees our personal sacrifices and numbers each of them and will never forget them, but will truly reward us by pouring out His Holy Spirit upon us and transforming us into people who are filled with the love of Christ, into people who are illumined, into people who are glorified as real saints.
The holy Hieromartyr Kirion II (known in the world as George Sadzaglishvili) was born in 1855 in the village of Nikozi in the Gori district. His father was a priest.
Metropolitan Nektarios of Hong Kong and South East Asia
Metropolitan Nektarios of Hong Kong and South East Asia delivered a speech on the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist at the second ecumenical seminar which was held on Sunday, June 26, 2016, in Hong Kong.
[Suffering Church]
Metropolitan Paul of Aleppo
The unity that these chains created between us, is an experience that my Church has lived along with many other Orthodox Churches during the past century and the previous ones, an experience that challenged all of them in a hardly and painful way. It is true that this unity surmounts time and overlaps the convocation or not of any Synods, surpasses any expression or event, due to what characterizes you, along with the suffering people of God entrusted to your pastoral care.
[Orthodoxy Around the World]
Monasteries have always been the strongholds of Orthodoxy and bastions of spirituality. From the foundation of a monastery cities would often spring up. In ancient times chronicles were kept and scholarship was developed.Orthodox monks supported the starving in years of crop failure, cared for the sick, and most importantly, always stood at the front lines of spiritual warfare—praying to God for the whole world, for every one of us.

Српска верзиjа

Служењем литургије и парастоса у Саборној цркви у Мостару, која је у изградњи, данас је обиљежено 75 година од страдања братства манастира Житомислић од злогласне НДХ и 1.675 мостарских Срба у Другом свјетском рату.
26.јуна 2016.г. Свјатејши Патријарх Московски и све Русије Кирил посетио је рудник „Севернаја“ у Воркути, где је одслужио литију рударима који су погинули у хаварији, у фебруару ове године.
Са благословом Његове Светости Патријарха српског Иринеја, у цркви Светог великомученика кнеза Лазара на Звездари (ул. 21. дивизије бр. 33) у понедељак, 27. јуна 2015. године, у 17 часова почиње вечерње богослужење, а у 20 часова почиње свеноћно бденије са светом Литургијом.
Јуриј Кублановски
Данас је Јуриј Кублановски познати мајстор руске поезије, добитник свих могућих награда, укључујући и патријарашку. Међутим, било је време кад су његови стихови могли бити објављени само у самиздату. Због учествовања у алманаху «Метропол» који није био цензурисан, морао је да емигрира. Али, како признаје сам песник, увек га је спасавала вера.
Архимандрит Маркелл (Павук)
„Све је црно, све је пропало. Окружен сам лоповима и преварантима.“ Уколико често изговарате ову мантру, требало би добро да се замислите. О првим знацима болесне страсти-архимандрит Маркелл (Павук), предавач аскезе на Кијевској духовној академији.