
Материалы 29 июня 2017 г.

Тихон Калужский
Седмица 4-я по Пятидесятнице.
Петров пост.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомСвт. Тихона, еп. Амафунтского (425). Совершается служба со славословиемПрп. Тихона Медынского, Калужского (1492). Прп. Тихона Луховского, Костромского чудотворца (1503). Прп. Моисея Оптинского (1862). Перенесение мощей свт. Феофана, Затворника Вышенского (2002).

Сщмч. Тигрия пресвитера и мч. Евтропия чтеца (404).

Сщмчч. Гермогена, еп. Тобольского, Ефрема, Михаила и Петра пресвитеров и мч. Константина (1918).

[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Диакон Павел Сержантов
Буквально все мы, грешные и святые, возвращаемся вновь и вновь к мыслям обисповеди. Сам долгий путь к святости лежит через покаяние, через исповедь в конечном итоге. Какие ошибки мы допускаем на исповеди?

Мониторинг СМИ

Протоиерей Андрей Ткачев
Протоиерей Андрей Ткачев о Дне отца в России и о роли мужчины и женщины в семье
Андрей Рогозянский
Наш постоянный автор Андрей Рогозянский, папа, обучающий своих детей дома, делится впечатлениями и выводами о возможностях, которые дает форма семейного образования. Это — частный опыт одной семьи.

English Edition

The foundations of what is likely one of the largest and earliest Saxon churches on Lindisfarne have been recently unearthed on the south of the island off the eastern coast of England.
His Eminence Archbishop Simon (Romańczuk) of Łódź and Poznań of the Polish Orthodox Church reposed in the Lord yesterday morning, June 28, 2017.
A new monument to Grand Duchess St. Elizabeth the New Martyr was solemnly opened today on the square near the Holy Trinity Cathedral in the city of Alapaevsk in the Sverdlovsk Region, 90 miles northwest of Ekaterinburg.
[Churches and Monasteries]
Nir Hasson
It has been nearly 1,500 years since Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity was built. Thorough preservation and renovation work that has been done there over the past several months, which revealed some of the building’s foundations, were the first major renovations at the site in more than five centuries. Those carrying out the renovations at the church, which Christian tradition holds is the site of the birthplace of Jesus, not only had to overcome challenges involving engineering and historic preservation, but also limitations imposed by Israeli security forces.
The St. Petersburg Theological Academy was visited on Wednesday by Bishop Joanikije (Micovic) of Budimlja and Nikšić of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
The white limestone slab was discovered while laying water pipes as part of the ongoing “My Street” program for improving Moscow streets.
Varvara Kashirina
The saint was often asked, “How should a child be properly raised? How can we instill basic moral concepts in his soul?” He would give this advice: “Love your children, and they will love you.” But at the same, time this love must always be joined with reasonable strictness: “Dissolve strictness of authority with meekness, try to earn love with love; true goodness is also not foreign to a strict word.”
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
The holy relics of St. Theophan the Recluse were secretly exhumed in 1973 on the territory of the Shatzk psychiatric hospital located in the buildings of Vysha Monastery, which had been desecrated by the godless authorities, and immediately taken to the Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra. There they were interred in the basement of the Dormition Cathedral until 1988.

Српска верзиjа

Његова Светост Патријарх српски г. Иринеј служио је 28. јуна 2017. године, на Видовдан, свету архијерејску Литургију у манастиру Грачаници.
Поводом празника Светог великомученика Лазара Српског - Видовдана служена је света архијерејска Литургија у Кингисепу на мјесту будућег храма посвећеног Светом цару Лазару Српском и Светом цару Николају II Руском.
[Духовни источници]
Преподобни Јустин (Поповић) Ћелијски
Данас је Видовдан! Какву нам благовест, какво Јеванђеље јавља данашњи велики, свети и страшни Празник. Гле, испред свих, он нам шаље дивног светитеља Божјег Светог Цара Лазара. Он на тањиру носи главу своју. Куда Свети Кнеже? - У Небеско Царство.