
Материалы 24 мая 2014 г.

[Встреча с Православием / Богослужение]
11 / 24 мая 2014 г. Суббота 5-й седмицы по Пасхе. Сретенский монастырь. Великая вечерня, утреня. Хор Сретенского монастыря. (MP3 файл. Продолжительность 2:41:59 мин. Размер 116.7 Mb)
[Интернет-журнал / Культура]
Диакон Владимир Василик
Влияние наследия св. Константина-Кирилла и их учеников на древнерусскую культуру глубоко и многосторонне, оно сказывается и на древнерусской гимнографии.

English Edition

[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh
Like the man born blind we live most of our lives on alms, we sit like beggars at the roadside holding out a hand in the hope that someone will notice, if not us at least our hand, and give us something to sustain us for the next few hours at any rate.
On the day following Georgia’s celebration the Day of Family Strength and Honor for Parents by prayer processions and sprinkling of streets and houses by holy water, Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II addressed the people, as usual, at the Divine Liturgy.
Ahead of elections to the European Parliament a question of the possibility of displaying religious symbols in public places was once again raised among German and Austrian politicians.
Orthodox and Oriental Churches in the Swiss canton of Zürich wish to be recognized within the framework of public law.
Priests of Naro-Fominsk and Moscow are helping those injured as a result of the train collision which happened near Naro-Fominsk on May 20.
The monument has been installed in a park area—an arboretum which is a favorite walking area of city residents.
In the coming Sunday the Rectors of all our churches are to arrange for a plate collection for the benefit of the victims of flooding in Serbia.
[Suffering Church]
Close to 200 ordained and lay religious leaders have signed a pledge to commit themselves and the United States to protect Christians in Iraq, Syria and Egypt, who they say are being persecuted for their faith.
The Supreme Court ruled May 5 that prayers said before town council meetings in Greece, N.Y., do not violate the Constitution.
As Pope Francis prepared to leave Rome for a historic three-day visit to the Holy Land, Orthodox and Catholic church voices tried to cool expectations regarding his meeting tomorrow with the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I.
In just a matter of days, several months worth of rain has poured over parts of Eastern Europe and it's not over. The Balkans are enduring the worst floods since records began 120 years ago. The situation is being exacerbated by the risk of landmines from the Bosnia war resurfacing.

Српска верзиjа

Катарина Ђорђевић
Мајка четворо деце 1999. бежала је пред бомбама и Албанцима а сада је изгубила и нови дом у поплавама у Обреновцу
По благослову Његове Светости Католикоса-Патријарха све Грузије Илије II и на иницијативу директора установе, у част Дана Светог Николаја, у женску колонију бр. 5 Одељења за извршавање казни стигла је мироточива „Хавајско-Иверска“ икона Мајке Божије.
У склопу свенародног молитвеног спомена и обележавања девет векова Светог Симеона Немање, родоначелника светородне лозе Немањића, Митрополија црногорско-приморска и Епархија будимљанско-никшићка организују међународни научни скуп уз сарадњу највиших научних институција.
Ижевска епархија, Министарство омладине Удмуртије и Републички комитет за породицу и демографску политику ће спровести антиабортусну акцију 31. маја, уочи Међународног дана детета