
Материалы 31 мая 2014 г.

[Встреча с Православием / Богослужение]
18 / 31 мая 2014 г. Суббота 6-й седмицы по Пасхе. Сретенский монастырь. Великая вечерня, утреня. Хор Сретенского монастыря. (MP3 файл. Продолжительность 2:31:15 мин. Размер 108.9 Mb)

English Edition

One of the participants in the ceremony of laying the foundation to the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour Archpriest Leonid Kalinin tells about unusual event that took place during the ceremony on January 7, 1995, and was considered a miracle.
Orthodox activists collected 100,000 signatures to ban abortions in Russia, official of the Synodal Department for Church Charities Sergey Chesnokov said.
Orthodox believers suffered from the attacks of Ukrainian militants against the International Airport in Donetsk on May 28.
A group of armed criminals attacked the residence of Chief Rabbi of Kiev and Ukraine Yaakov Dov Bleich located not far from Kiev in Belgorodka.
"Over 200 people were killed. Unnamed grannies with icons who were on the square at that moment, they were commanded to enter the building, but they never left it. My guys then found ladies' bags in the site of fire. Their owners were registered neither in mortuaries nor in hospitals," Kaurov said in his interview published by the Moskovsky Komsomolets website.
[Church History]
Gabe Martini
In a world characterized by the rationalism of the Enlightenment and the instant knowledge of Google, it’s hard to believe things have not always been so.
A bust of Alexander Pushkin by Stanislav Nechvolodov was set to be installed in Tartu, but the Estonian authorities prohibited it. Now it will be installed in Delphi, where a memorial park to great literary figures of the world will be opened.

Српска верзиjа

У Галерији Руског дома 22. маја отворена је изложба предложака за мозаик у цркви Светог Ђорђа на Опленцу
Министар одбране Сергеј Шојгу посетио је Севастопољ и главну базу руске Црноморске флоте. Ово је већ друга званична посета Шојгуа Криму откако је то полуострво ушло у састав Русије.
Међу 33 људи, који су убијени у возилу марке КАМАЗ, које је одвозило рањенике у Доњецк после битке, налазио се Николај Леонов – чтец, свршени ученик Полтавске мисионарске духовне средње школе, светски шампион у кик-боксу, козак, музичар, кантаутор