
Материалы 13 декабря 2015 г.

[Встреча с Православием / Проповеди]
Епископ Егорьевский Тихон (Шевкунов)
Господь совершает чудо и отрывает наш взор от земного праха, возвращает возможность нашему падшему человеческому существу увидеть Небо.
[Встреча с Православием / Богослужение]
30 ноября / 13 декабря 2015г. Неделя 28-я по Пятидесятнице. Апостола Андрея Первозванного. Сретенский монастырь. Божественная литургия. Хор Сретенского монастыря.
[Встреча с Православием / Святые и святыни]
Статьи — Проповеди — Храмы и святыни.

Мониторинг СМИ

Святой апостол Андрей Первозванный был рыбаком из Вифсаиды. Именно он первым из апостолов последовал за Христом.

English Edition

"We are a community that is oppressed by others," said 18-year-old Ithraa. She joined four months ago inspired by the memory of Sayfo, in which Ottoman authorities are said to have killed tens of thousands of Christians in Turkey and Iran.
[Suffering Church]
A diverse set of motives drives the persecution. In much of the Middle East and parts of Africa, it’s Islamic radicalism; in India, it’s Hindu fundamentalism; in China and North Korea, it’s police states protecting their hegemony, and in Latin America, it’s often vested interests threatened by Christians standing up for peace and justice. The Globe, in a series that launches today, will report back from all those fronts in this unholy war.
The first North American leader of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese — a Christian church with ancient roots in Arab lands in and around Syria — said his home country should not be entombed with the message and acts of evil that the Islamic State group, or ISIS, brings.
[Orthodoxy Today]
Archpriest Andrew Phillips
It can be concluded without hesitation that the Patriarchate of Constantinople is looking increasingly isolated from mainstream of the Orthodox Church and its Council project, at least in its old form, is looking increasingly in doubt. As has been said throughout Christian history: man proposes, but God disposes.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
Rev. Dr. J. Sergius Halvorsen
No matter where he was, no matter what he was doing, no matter how dark or cold, he needed to look no further than his own heart, for as St. Paul says, “God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.” (Rom 5.5) Filled with that love, Andrew saw the image of God in everyone he met. He saw the image of God in the poor, the angry, the sick, the despairing, the lonely, the stranger. It was this love of God that allowed him to rejoice and give thanks even as he offered his life as a martyr.
[Orthodoxy Around the World]
Jesse Dominick, Bishop David of Sitka and Alaska
"I decided go to the church early and pray a Panihkida for my wife in front of St. Herman’s relics. I went back in the altar, and I don’t know if it was St. Herman talking to me or who, but somebody said to me in myself, 'I replaced the beauty of your wife with the beauty of Alaska, and I replaced that love that you and your wife had with the love of these people for you.' And then I understood."

Српска верзиjа

У мјесту Губељ у Жупи Никшићкој почела је да се гради црква, која ће бити посвећена Светом Стефану Пиперском и Жупском.
10. децембра 2015, на дан када Руска православна црква празнује икону Мајке Божије „Знамење“, катедрални храм Кузбаске митроплије свечано је прославио престони празник.
[Духовни источници]
Преподобни Јустин (Поповић) Ћелијски
Презирући таштину овога света, и претпостављајући девство браку, Андреј се не хте женити, него чувши да свети Јован Претеча проповеда на Јордану покајање, остави све, оде к њему, и постаде његов ученик.
Патријарх Московски и све Русије Кирил је у петак посетио Национални командни центар за одбрану где је присуствовао проширеном заседању колегијума Министарства одбране РФ, које је одржао председник Владимир Путин