
Материалы 28 февраля 2016 г.

[Встреча с Православием / Проповеди]
Епископ Егорьевский Тихон (Шевкунов)
Любовь Бога и Отца всегда пребывает с каждым из нас.
[Встреча с Православием / Богослужение]
15 / 28 февраля 2016г. Воскресенье. Сретенский монастырь. Божественная литургия. Хор Сретенского монастыря.
[Встреча с Православием / Православная библиотека]
Евангелие, его толкование и синаксарь — проповеди — записи богослужений — статьи.

Мониторинг СМИ

Иеросхимонах Валентин (Гуревич)
Накануне Великого поста о смысле многодневных постов, способствующих возвращению на путь в Царствие Небесное, слушателям ВБК и читателям журнала «Покров» рассказывает духовник Донской обители иеросхимонах Валентин (Гуревич).
Евгений Суворов
Чем ближе к Яренску, тем наряднее по обеим сторонам дороги заиндевевшие ёлки и сосны – словно едешь в сказку. К слову, с января 2012 года во всероссийском проекте «Сказочная карта России» Яренск был объявлен родиной Матушки Зимы, из-за чего в последние годы приобрёл некоторую известность.

English Edition

In his speech Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk noted that the flow of worshipers to the Archbishop's place of burial never stopped even during the years of persecution. He also drew attention to the many facets of the personality of St. Seraphim, noting his role in Church life as a pastor, intercessor and wonderworker.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
Fr. Philip LeMasters
Both the prodigal and the elder brother needed to be reconciled with their father. The same is true of each and every one of us this Lent. We will gain the spiritual strength to do so through prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and other spiritual disciplines. No matter whether we identify more with the older or the younger son, our Lord’s calling to us is essentially the same: Come home and join in the great celebration of the Heavenly Kingdom.
An Egyptian court has sentenced three teenage Coptic Christians to five years in jail for insulting Islam in a video posted online last year.
The excavation, carried out in southern Israel at the ancient copper mines of Timna — believed by many to be the site of King Solomon’s mines — took place in late January and February.
[Orthodoxy Today]
Abbot Tryphon
The necessity of a pastor's freedom to preach
As Saint Katherine Mission grows under the leadership of Priest Andrew Cuneo, the community continues to actively reach out to the greater San Diego community with the help of its second-year OCA Planting Grant.
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh
Now, we turn away, carrying with us the gifts of God; and we live in a country that is also alien; we live in a world that is man-made, but not God-made, or rather made by God and distorted by man. What kind of hunger comes to us?
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
Fr. Ted Bobosh
Sometimes we Orthodox need a little extra push to get into the Lenten Spirit.
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
So during the Lenten season ahead—and throughout all our remaining life in this present world—when we see our sinfulness, our brokenness, when we begin to know by bitter experience the tragedy of how drastically we have lost our way, let us not despair. Let us not wonder at it. Let us not ask: “where is the Lord?” He is walking this path of exile beside us. He has been this way before, even down to the lowest depths of Hades. He did not send us here to perish, but to walk with Him the only path that exists to His Father’s House.

Српска верзиjа

Протојереј Валеријан Кречетов- један од најстаријих клирика Московске епархије, духовник са ауторитетом, старешина храма Покрова Пресвете Богородице у селу Акулово Одинцовске области-о томе шта је помогло да се сачува вера у доба совјетских гоњења на Цркву, о подвижницима тих времена и о томе какве су особине неопходне нама, савременим хришћанима како бисмо очували неповређену веру у данашњем, подједнако тешком времену.