
Материалы 20 марта 2017 г.

Икона Божией Матери ''Споручница грешных''
Седмица 4-я Великого поста.
Великий пост.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомСвященномучеников, в Херсонесе епископствовавших: Василия, Ефрема, Капитона, Евгения, Еферия, Елпидия и Агафодора (IV).

Прп. Павла Препростого (IV). Свт. Павла исп., еп. Прусиадского (IX). Прп. Емилиана Италийского (VI).

Сщмч. Николая пресвитера (1930). Прмч. Нила, прмцц. Матроны, Марии, Евдокии, Екатерины, Антонины, Надежды, Ксении и Анны (1938).

Иконы Божией Матери "Споручница грешных", в Корце (Ровенск. обл.) (1622) в Одрине (Орловск. обл.) (1843) и в Москве (1848).

На 6-м часе: Ис. XIV, 24-32. На веч.: Быт. VIII, 21 - IX, 7. Притч. XI, 19 - XII, 6. Мчч.: Ис. XLIII, 9-14. Прем. III, 1-9. Прем. V, 15 - VI, 3.
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Протоиерей Сергий Адодин
Жил да был на свете скверный поп. И любил он задавать каверзные вопросы...
[Встреча с Православием / Апологетика]
Протоиерей Андрей Ткачев
Послание к Евреям говорит о Христе как о Царе и Боге, как о Первосвященнике, при этом используя богатый материал Ветхого завета. Читая это послание, то и дело стоит по ссылкам уходить в текст закона и пророков.
[Встреча с Православием / Проповеди]
Святейший Патриарх Московский и всея Руси Кирилл
По милости Божией мы можем в год 100-летия смуты искренне, без каких-либо политических комментариев, перелистнуть эту страницу отечественной истории.
[Встреча с Православием / Святые и святыни]
Владислава Романова
18 марта – дата воссоединения Крыма с Россией – хронологически соседствует с праздником Семи Херсонесских священномучеников. Но мало кто знает жития этих святых, хотя в домонгольской Руси их почитание было велико.

Мониторинг СМИ

Дарья Платонова
Во Франции местные жители проявляют все больший интерес к русской культуре, традициям и православию. В этой связи в октябре 2016 года в Париже открыли Русский духовно-культурный центр, а при нем - кафедральный собор Святой Троицы Корсунской епархии Русской Православной Церкви.
Иерей Андрей Чиженко
Казалось бы, это очевидная и прописная истина для православного христианина. Да, ничего в мире не боится диавол со всем его войском, как Креста Божьего! Может, надо было бы привести множество цитат и написать хорошую статью с примерами, развернутую, обширную с аргументированной доказательной базой.

English Edition

Abbot of the Holy Monastery of the Life-Giving Spring in Paros, Greece Archimandrite Chrysostomos has formally submitted to the Holy Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church a detailed accusation of heresy against His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. In his letter the abbot has asked the Holy Synod to recognize as contrary to the Orthodox faith and condemn a series of twelve heterodox teachings from Constantinople outlined in the letter. The letter refers several times to ecumenical actions with and overtures towards the Roman Catholic confession.
The head of the patriarchal council said he believes it necessary to conduct a “serious study” into the personality of Gregory Rasputin, whose memory has been intimately connected with that of the family of Russia’s last tsar, holy Martyr Nicholas II. In his talk he warned against making hasty judgments about Rasputin, touching upon those who are pushing for his canonization.
Fr. Emmanuel commemorated Metropolitan Eugenios at the morning Liturgy and at that evening’s Vespers at the Virgin Mary Church in Rethymno, in the presence of the bishop, he announced that he was revising his previous stand, and giving up his protest.
The Holy Virgin Martyrs Alexandra, Claudia, Euphrasia, Matrona, Juliania, Euphemia and Theodosia were arrested in the city of Amisa (on the coastal region of the Black Sea) during the persecution against Christians under the emperor Maximian Galerius (305-311).
During the time of the emperor Nero (54-68), who displayed excessive cruelty against Christians, Saint Photina lived in Carthage with her younger son Joses and fearlessly preached the Gospel there.
Saint Euphrosynus predicted that the Poles would come into this wilderness, and he advised everyone to flee. Many did not believe him. “Why then don’t you leave this place yourself?” they asked. The Elder replied, “I have come here to die for Christ.”
Saints John, Sergius, Patrick and others were slain in the Monastery of Saint Sabbas.
The Smolensk “Tenderness” Icon of the Mother of God manifested itself in the year 1103 at Smolensk.
The Holy Martyr Pancharius was a friend of the emperor Diocletian. He abandoned Christianity and became a pagan.
Saint Innocent labored for thirty years at building his monastery. He left behind an instruction for the brethren, based on the works of the holy Fathers, particularly the writings of Saint Nilus of Sora. Saint Innocent bade them first of all to avoid wrangling and disputes and asked them to preserve love for Christ and spiritual peace.
The Holy Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria and with them the Martyrs Claudius the Tribune with his wife Hilaria and their sons Jason and Maurus, and Diodorus the Presbyter and Marianus the Deacon.
Saint Aninas was born at Chalcedon into a Christian family. After the death of his parents, he withdrew at age fifteen into a monastery, where he received monastic tonsure.
The Holy Martyrs Trophimus and Eucarpion were soldiers at Nicomedia during the persecution against Christians under the emperor Diocletian (284-305).
As Patriarch of Jerusalem, Saint Cyril zealously fought against the heresies of Arius and Macedonius. In so doing, he aroused the animosity of the Arian bishops, who sought to have him deposed and banished from Jerusalem.
[Churches and Monasteries]
​Seminarians Gleb and Paul of the St. Petersburg's Orthodox Spiritual Academy took the angelic oath and became monks of the Orthodox Church, giving up their worldly possessions, passions and will, and embracing every obedience to the Mother Church.
Speaking at the ceremonial meeting of the Verkhovna Rada in honor of the centenary of parliamentarism, the false “Patriarch” Philaret of the schismatic “Kiev Patriarchate” referred to the clergy and faithful of the true, canonical Orthodox Church in Ukraine as “fools.”
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
Fr. James Guirguis
Let’s stand with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane and just imagine what would’ve happened if Our Lord said “Crucifixion is tough, I will run away.”
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov) of Egorievsk
God’s lessons are at times very heavy. God’s lessons lie in the fact that He endures the carelessness, cowardice, and infidelity of the people for a long time, but then comes the moment when the careless ones themselves and their descendants must settle their account with bitter but saving trials.

Српска верзиjа

Музеј рударства и металургије у Бору, Сретењски манастир из Москве и студио „Руски Цар“ Вас позивају на свечану изложбу фотографија „У сусрет Руском Цару“.
Схиархимандрит Илија (Ноздрин)
На дан када се обележава стогодишњица рушења монархије у Русији, ТВ канал „Царьград“ је, о том тужном датуму, разговарао са једним од најпоштованијих стараца нашег времена, духовником Патријарха Московског и све Русије, схиархимандритом Илијом (Ноздриним).
Протојереј Андреј Ткачов
Ради се о томе што смо у многим питањима слепци, док неко од ближњих има вид кад је реч о овим питањима.
Свети Теофан Затворник
Апостол Павле говори да су се Израиљци, прешавши море, крстили (1.Кор.10,2). Такво крштење је служило као знак њиховог разликовања од Египћана. А апостол Петар додаје: (Вода) и нас сада спасава крштењем као испуњењем праобраза (1.Пт.3,21).