
Материалы 14 декабря 2017 г.

Пророк Наум
Седмица 28-я по Пятидесятнице.
Рождественский пост.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомПрор. Наума (VII до Р.Х.).

Прав. Филарета Милостивого (792). Мч. Анании Персянина.

[Документы истории]
Епископ Егорьевский Тихон, директор Ин-та российской истории РАН Ю. А. Петров, и.о. ректора РГГУ А.Б. Безбородов, ректор МПГУ А.В. Лубков, зампред правления Российского исторического общества А.В. Петров.
[Документы истории]
Мы предлагаем читателям самим сделать вывод о качестве дискуссии со стороны членов Вольного исторического общества.
[Встреча с Православием / Святые и святыни]
Ольга Рожнёва
Зверинецкие пещеры, пролежав под землей нетронутыми много веков, могут показать нам настоящий вид древних подземных келий, где подвизалась монашеская братия.
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Протоиерей Андрей Ткачев
Можно любить театр, спорт, путешествия, но эти «увлечения» пусть станут ресурсом для проповеди. А самое главное и важное – всегда помнить: богатство прихода – это люди, и пастырь, посвятивший себя служению людям Божиим, богаче пастыря, пасущего самого себя.
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Когда я пою по знаменам, я присутствую в слове молитвы, ощущаю себя тварью Божией. Ценность и смысл слова начинают пониматься иначе. Почему запрещены интонации в церковном чтении? Чтобы я своими страстями не наполнял смысл.

Мониторинг СМИ

Павел Кузенков
Актуально ли византийское наследие для современной России? Успешен ли исторически византийский проект? Как относиться к Критскому собору? В чём суть православной христианской государственности?
Елена Яковлева
Исторический парк «Россия — моя история» ответил на критику вольных историков.

English Edition

[Orthodoxy Today]
“Although he reigned more than 70 years ago, his principles do not belong to the past, but on the contrary, they are more current than ever. Michael I was a constitutional monarch who defended the rule of law, individual rights, and freedoms, who has fought for solid institutions and for the rules to be sustainable, assumed and respected,” the President said on Monday.
The synod of the self-styled “Kiev Patriarchate” (KP) have addressed their supporters and the Ukrainian people with an explanation of their position regarding the dialogue with the Russian Orthodox Church. The address from their session yesterday has been posted on the schismatic church’s site.
The charitable foundation “Saint John Give Hope,” working closely with the patriarchal parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in the United States and with the Orthodox Church in America, opened its own homeless shelter in New York. On November 11, the building was consecrated by the clergyman of the St. Nicholas Russian Cathedral Igumen Nicodemus (Balyasnikov).
Mt. Athos is very grieved about the schism in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, created and continued by the self-styled “Patriarch” Philaret Denisenko of the unrecognized “Kiev Patriarchate.” Abbot Ephraim of the Athonite monastery of Vatopedi spoke about this trouble in an address to Ukrainians published on the YouTube channel of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
An Orthodox church in the village of Shelkovskaya in the northeastern Chechen region of Shelkovskoy, construction on which began in April, will open for parishioners in the summer of 2018.
On December 18, at the multi-purpose clinic of the St. Petersburg Military-Medical Academy, the foundation stone and cross at the base of a new church in honor of the holy righteous doctor and passion-bearer Eugene Botkin will be consecrated as part of the celebrations for the 219th anniversary of the founding of the school.
Saint Modestus, Archbishop of Jerusalem, was born into a Christian family in Cappadocian Sebasteia (Asia Minor). From his youth he felt a strong attraction towards strict monastic life.
Saint Simeon of Verkhoturye was a nobleman, but he concealed his origin and led the life of a beggar.
The Holy Martyr Sebastian was born in the city of Narbonum in Gaul (modern France), and he received his education at Mediolanum (now Milan). Under the co-reigning emperors Diocletian and Maximian (284-305) he occupied the position of head of the imperial guards.
[Church History]
Anna Vedyayeva
The life of Olga Alexandrovna Romanov, the last Grand Duchess of Russia, was filled with such numerous sorrows as rarely befall a person in a lifetime. But through her kindness, modesty and courage she withstood all the miseries that lay in store for her in the twentieth century.
Saint Dionysius of Zakynthos, the Bishop of Aegina was born in 1547 on the island of Zakynthos.
The Holy Youth Misael (“Who is what God is?”) was a companion of the Holy Prophet Daniel.
Saint Zoe is mentioned in the account of Saint Sebastian’s martyrdom. She was the wife of the jailer Nicostratus, and was unable to speak for six years.
The Holy Youth Azarias (“whom God helps”) was a companion of the Holy Prophet Daniel.
The Holy Youth Ananias (“God is gracious”) was a companion of the Holy Prophet Daniel.

Српска верзиjа

Нажалост, ниво културе разговорног језика је данас толико катастрофално низак да се људи не стиде да прибегавају „пејоративима“, како се зове псовање у лингвистици, ни политичари у јавним наступима, ни новинари, а шта тек рећи о „обичним смртницима“: многи говоре језиком псовки, успевајући скоро да се не служе другим речима.
У Београду, у издању Институт за филозофију и друштвену теорију Универзитета у Београду и МЕДИЈА ЦЕНТРА „ОДБРАНА” изашао је зборник научних радова „Православље и рат“.