
Материалы 7 декабря 2016 г.

[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Протоиерей Олег Стеняев
Программа, предложенная Николаем Варжанским, изменило характер церковной миссии с полицейско-сыскного на евангельский и святоотеческий.
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Что такое Рождество? Как в повседневной жизни найти другое измерение? Может ли астрофизика стать ступенью к монашеству? И почему сомневаться в Боге полезно?
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Протоиерей Михаил Потокин
9-я лекция «Милосердие» в рамках Православных просветительских курсов «ПРАВОСЛАВИЕ», была прочитана протоиереем Игорем Фоминым
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Игумен Нектарий (Морозов)
Возможно ли совместить твердость и волю, необходимые руководителю, с христианским послушанием?
[Встреча с Православием / Подвижники благочестия]
Иерей Сергий Карамышев
Храм Живоначальной Троицы на берегу Рыбинского водохранилища — свидетель великих потрясений, великих разрушений, великих строек.

Мониторинг СМИ

Егор Холмогоров
В четвертом томе своей «Истории», вышедшей на днях в издательстве «АСТ», Борис Акунин наконец пишет о чем-то действительно для себя эмоционально важном, сокровенном.
Архимандрит Маркелл (Павук)
Архимандрит Маркелл (Павук), духовник Киевских духовных школ о девятой заповеди. В продолжение беседы «Зачем соблюдать заповеди».
Протоиерей Андрей Овчинников
Не так давно наше общество активно обсуждало тему абортов. Поводом к общественной дискуссии стало сначала предложение Святейшего Патриарха Кирилла о необходимости вывести аборты из системы ОМС. Потом эту идею поддержали некоторые депутаты Госдумы. Но общество на инициативу прореагировало отрицательно: 72% опрошенных выступили категорически против.
Иерей Андрей Чиженко
Что такое храм? Не Церковь в экклесиологическом духовно-богословском смысле, но храм как строение, сооружение, над которым архиереем или поставленным на то священником был совершен чин освящения.
Святая Екатерина родилась в Александрии в 287 году от Рождества Христова. Была обращена в христианство сирийским монахом, крестившим её под именем Екатерина. После крещения к ней во сне явился Сам Спаситель и, вручив ей кольцо, назвал Своей невестой.

English Edition

The village is considered the place of repose of the twelfth-century Russian prince St. Andrew Bogolyubsky and the cradle of Russian statehood, and locals are concerned for the holy site’s continuing legacy.
Ever year on the eve of the feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple a miracle occurs in Troitsk, Russia in the Chelyabinsk region. This year was no exception.
With the blessing of Saint Sergius, Saint Theodore built a church in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos and founded a monastery on the banks of the River Moskva, at the place called Simonovo.
Visiting the Vorkuta diocese in the summer, His Holiness asked His Grace Bishop John how he could help the local faithful. His Grace asked only for such an all-terrain vehicle which would enable him to travel throughout his diocese, the cost of which was beyond the diocese’s means.
When the emperor learned that the saint had organized a monastery in prison, where they prayed and venerated holy icons, he sent two of his own servants, twin-brothers, to beat the saint to death.
More than 200 abducted Assyrian Christians taken hostage by ISIS in February 2015 were saved by a Syrian priest who managed to raise their ransom money.
In defending a woman condemned to execution, the saint followed the example of the Savior, inviting whoever considered himself to be without sin to cast the first stone at her, and he then sent the woman forth to repentance. The Prince and the Rostov nobles, disgruntled over the bishop’s judgment, threw Saint James out of Rostov.
The Tsarskoe Selo Sign Icon of the Mother of God an ancient wonderworking icon, was brought by way of a present to Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich by one of the Eastern Patriarchs.
Six years after it was painted, the icon became known for its numerous miracles and became the chief holy item of the monastery.
The Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God “Of the Sign” is one of the most ancient icons of the Russian Church.
Fr. Alexey Young
Physician-assisted suicide, aside from being a violation of both Christian law and Christian simplicity, should be absolutely avoided in order not to deprive the terminally ill of the full human and spiritual experience of dying, an experience which, within the context of a traditional Christian way of thinking, living, and acting is far from intolerable or negative; rather, it is exceedingly enriching and valuable, offering another way of knowledge—that of experience informed by theology—a way of knowing of which modern man, in his race to avoid all that is uncomfortable or unpleasant, has almost no understanding.
Rev. Fr. Dustin M. Lyon
But what’s the role of the church in this?
A memorial service was officiated by His Eminence Teofan, Metropolitan of Moldova and Bukovina.
It is a first time that a liturgy is served in the student residence. A home-church has been organized at the medical university dormitory №10 thanks to the efforts of the Sisterhood of St. Elisabeth Convent and Anatoly Sikorsky, the rector of the university. At the will of the students, it was decided to name the church in honor of St. Elisabeth.
“To expect some prosperous marriage or some kind of joyous life after infanticide is simply ridiculous. A person can find no kind of happiness if he is a murderer of his own children. Such cannibals, as our people, need to be wiped off the face of the earth, and only the great grace of God towards us (for we are all His children) will save us from the wrath of God. But if we don’t wake up, the wrath of God will fall upon us,” stated Fr. Dmitry.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill
Cities in Russia were named in honor of St. Catherine, not the Tsarina, that the lives of their people would pass under her prayerful protection, that they would have a guideline, an ideal, an example, according to which simple, and rich, and poor, and noble, and common people could acquire the greatest strength of spirit, capable of making of an ordinary man a genius of spirit, a hero, and holy person.

Српска верзиjа

Протојереј Андреј Ткачов
Постоје изнесене речи, које надилазе време у којима су изговорене и непосредну публику којој су упућене. На пример, говор Достојевског приликом октривања споменика Пушкину. Или Черчилово обраћање у Фултону, које је обележило почетак Хладног рата.