
Материалы 3 марта 2016 г.

[Документы истории]
Павел Кузенков
О том, каким был идеал государства в византийском сознании, как он соотносился с реальностью, как воспринималось мирское и духовное – в единстве или противостоянии и что значила для византийцев святость.
[Интернет-журнал / Общество]
Лариса Хрусталева
Строки письма из тюрьмы – воспоминания о матушке Лидии Каледа: «Матушкины святые руки собирали нам посылку, заботились о нас, родное и милое наполняло душу: ты кому-то нужен, кто-то помнит о тебе…»
[Встреча с Православием / Апологетика]
Действительно ли язычество – «начальная» вера? На каких струнах человеческой души играют проповедники неоязычества? Как опровергнуть те обвинения, которые они предъявляют Православию?
[Встреча с Православием / Жизнь Церкви]
Об общих страницах истории Православия в Норвегии и на Руси, норвежском менталитете, русских храмах, тропе Олафа и операции «Асфальт».
[Интернет-журнал / Культура]
Елена Хомулло
Какая она, Маланкарская церковь – христианская община, живущая в водовороте многорелигиозной Индии? Мы увидели это своими глазами, нас принял ее предстоятель, мы смогли задать вопросы секретарю департамента вселенских отношений церкви.

Мониторинг СМИ

Анастасия Ассорова
2 марта в Москву доставили частицу Хитона Господня. Корреспондент «ВМ» решила развенчать миф о том, что молодежь далека от церкви, и встретилась с самым юным алтарником столицы — Глебом Осиповым
Денис Ахалашвили
Если бы меня попросили рассказать о родном уральском городке, обязанным своему названию камышам и беглым каторжанам, которых в этих камышах ловили, я бы просто сказал: «Джаз», имея в виду не международный джазовый фестиваль «Ural Terra Jazz, или Джаз на Пышме», который третий год подряд проходит в Камышлове и где выступают многие известные российские и зарубежные музыканты, а слова Сергея Давлатова, который писал: «Джаз - это восхитительный хаос, созидающий на глазах у зрителей свое искусство - хрупкое, мгновенное, неуловимое, как тень падающих снежинок.
В мордовской глубинке есть православная святыня, до революции считавшаяся одной из главных обителей России. После десятилетий советского запустения в Санаксарском монастыре вновь возрождена монашеская жизнь. Это произошло по молитвам святых устроителей обители, в числе которых – преподобный Феодор (Ушаков).

English Edition

Paul Gilbert
The Russian Orthodox Church, which has not officially recognized the "Ekaterinburg remains," is already in discussions with the local government in staking a claim over the place where their remains were discovered in the 1970s at the Pigs Meadow (Porosyonkov Log). Situated on the north-western outskirts of Ekaterinburg, the site was added to the national cultural heritage list in June 2014.
The initiative has provoked criticism from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), whose representative expressed concern about using these changes to simplify the transfer of churches from the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate to that of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kyiv Patriarchate.
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
Fr. Stavros Akrotirianakis
When you put more emphasis on something, it becomes more important to you. When something is important to you, you put more emphasis on it. So whether you lead with your heart and your treasure follows, or you lead with your treasure and your heart follows, make sure that your heart and your treasure are both directed, in some measure, towards the Lord.
Paul Gilbert
The Art and Pedagogical Toy Museum is a unique repository of historic treasures, founded in Moscow in 1918 by artist, collector, museum activist Nikolai Dmitrievich Bartram (1873-1931). With 100,000 items, the museum boasts one of the largest and most unique collections of toys in Russia.
His famously defiant response to the Nazi, when he was threatened with death by firing squad, has gone down in history. “It is the tradition of the Greek Orthodox Church that its hierarchs are hung, not shot,” he said.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
Elissa Bjeletich
As a modern saint, so near to us in time, I thought we could spend some time with the great wisdom St. Porphyrios offers us in regard to raising up children, which is recorded in the beautiful book, "Wounded by Love: The Life and Wisdom of Elder Porphyrios."
New dispute between the government and the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro over a former royal chapel has fuelled old political tensions.
Please join us in offering prayers of thanks for OCMC’s newest missionary candidate, Jennifer Rice. Jennifer is a veteran of OCMC Mission Teams that served in Guatemala and Albania. She is currently finishing her Master of Theological Studies at Holy Cross Orthodox Seminary, and she is a very gifted teacher and musician.
[Church History]
Seraphim Hamilton
The consensus understanding of St. Matthew’s Gospel is that it was composed anonymously at around 85 AD. There is no evidence for this, but it is the consensus. The arguments in favor of an early Matthean authorship are laid out herein.
[Saints. Asceties of Piety. Church Holy Days ]
St. Innocent first stepped onto the land in August 1861, when his "Gaidamak" clipper on which he was sailing from Nikolayevsk to Kamchatka was cast ashore
We should investigate not only this particular controversy, but also the provocations, which caused this controversy, Metropolitan Theodore Chuadze of Akhaltsikhe and Tao-Klarjeti stated yesterday on the patriarchate’s television station.
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
Fr. Stavros Akrotirianakis
If we are going to live by this commandment of the Lord to forgive one another, we are going to have to bring the word “forgive” into our conversations and the concept of forgiveness into all of our relationships.
[Homilies and Spiritual Instruction]
Presvytera Vassi Haros
With Great Lent quickly approaching the Church is preparing not only to guide the living to repentance, but also to offer up prayers on behalf of those who have departed, an essential mark of Orthodox piety and worship. Saturday February 21/March 5 marks the first Soul Saturday, followed by the second, third, and fourth Saturdays of the Great Fast.
Throughout Greece and in most of Albania as well as in the entire Christian world, people know that Archbishop Anastasios belongs to those who work on the front lines to preserve peace and mutual respect between peoples and nations.
Archpriest Andrew Phillips
We can define art in its broadest sense by its etymology: art means something artificial, that is, manmade. However, anyone can see that there are great differences between manmade things, as manmade things fit into different levels. Thus, there is a great difference between a spade and an antique vase, or a 1960s block of flats and a palace, a Picasso and a Rembrandt, or heavy rock music and a Strauss waltz. All are manmade, but the former examples reflect a lack of inspiration as compared to the latter. What then is inspiration?

Српска верзиjа

Ово је саопштио в.д. директора секретаријата за међунационалне и међуконфесионалне односе и рад с друштвеним заједницама Сахалинске области Виталије Загородни, пише сајт «Парохије» позивајући се на иркутски лист «Обласна газета».
AgionOros.ru објављује главне делове из чланка митрополита Сисанија и Сиатисте Павла, који је имао велики одјек у Грчкој.